Does anyone ACTUALLY work with the higher ups?

TNT Frosty

Well-Known Member
Was wondering if anyone here actually works with, or even at the same depot as the higher ups?
Mainly as one question that has be bugging me every so often, and that is...

Is there or has there, been any thought on Australia, having company driver do the interstate linehauls? (Change overs)
For a company/business side of things, it keeps a tighter, more effective way of tracking the loads. ie, if truck was to break down, then we could send out a second to grab the load, while the first waits to be towed (if close enough)...
Now the money thing, we all know, cheaper to use company drivers, and company trucks then it is to use outside hire, let alone an O/O... (would be a saving of $500AUD a night, per load)
Aside from having just a few trucks running at night, and 20ish trucks just sitting over night... that could be a saving of $10,000 a night and the trucks would be back in time for the day shift workers, so no truck is left sitting around (unlike our tug drivers :P )

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Was wondering if anyone here actually works with, or even at the same depot as the higher ups?
Mainly as one question that has be bugging me every so often, and that is...

Is there or has there, been any thought on Australia, having company driver do the interstate linehauls? (Change overs)
For a company/business side of things, it keeps a tighter, more effective way of tracking the loads. ie, if truck was to break down, then we could send out a second to grab the load, while the first waits to be towed (if close enough)...
Now the money thing, we all know, cheaper to use company drivers, and company trucks then it is to use outside hire, let alone an O/O... (would be a saving of $500AUD a night, per load)
Aside from having just a few trucks running at night, and 20ish trucks just sitting over night... that could be a saving of $10,000 a night and the trucks would be back in time for the day shift workers, so no truck is left sitting around (unlike our tug drivers :P )
I’ve found it’s best not to ask why they do anything. It’s much easier to accept what you can’t change. If you concern yourself with all the obvious waste in this corporation you’ll go crazy.

Star B

White Lightening
Yeah, soon enough you'll learn to just do as your told. Just wait till the major Memphis indoctrination hits your hub.

They don't tell us anything and even if they do, we don't believe it as it's normally sugarcoated to minimize blowback from the couriers. In fact, I don't even know the last time I saw our DM, or hell, our safety guy.

TNT Frosty

Well-Known Member
We see our depot chiefs all the time, they are regular in walking down the isle having either side loading with trucks, or loading...


Well-Known Member
And by your own admission when they demanded more from you than you wanted to give you threw a hissy fit and quit.
Gee, I don't recall admitting that. I volunteered all the time on days off, holidays, helping others, unloading cans. And am now doing what I want. Raging against the man won't get you very far.


Well-Known Member
Gee, I don't recall admitting that. I volunteered all the time on days off, holidays, helping others, unloading cans. And am now doing what I want. Raging against the man won't get you very far.
And when you felt unappreciated and threw a fit and quit.