Does anyone have experience working in an automated building?


Well-Known Member
My warehouse is turning automated and my position at my building will become automated. We will have the option of staying there if senority prevails or moving to a different building.

I’m high enough senority I should be able to choose. The other building I could move to would actually be a little closer to me, but it would all be new to me, and I’d be back to loading trailers.

Im curious if anyone has experience working in an automated building, as I’m wondering how it works, in the sense of will there be easier positions for high senority workers, like monitoring the belt for jams and things like that, or do you think I’ll be loading trailers wherever I go?

Thank you very much


Well-Known Member
My warehouse is turning automated and my position at my building will become automated. We will have the option of staying there if senority prevails or moving to a different building.

I’m high enough senority I should be able to choose. The other building I could move to would actually be a little closer to me, but it would all be new to me, and I’d be back to loading trailers.

Im curious if anyone has experience working in an automated building, as I’m wondering how it works, in the sense of will there be easier positions for high senority workers, like monitoring the belt for jams and things like that, or do you think I’ll be loading trailers wherever I go?

Thank you very much
Lots of jobs where people stand around and watch a Belt. Honestly,, most people don’t even like that job because it’s boring and the day drags on and on.


Well-Known Member
Lots of jobs where people stand around and watch a Belt. Honestly,, most people don’t even like that job because it’s boring and the day drags on and on.
Thanks for the info, appreciate it.

Sometimes slow and boring is nice, especially if you’re working other jobs besides ups. I still need to decide though


Well-Known Member
Easiest job is belt tender but can be very boring, when theirs not much volume
Thank you. Does there tend to be one belt tender per PD? I’m pretty high senority but just trying to get a sense of how well of a shot id have at getting that position.

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know about the new changes in article 22 section 6 regarding part time transfers? It says part times are now more easily able to transfer, I’m wondering if I could stay in my building now and transfer to the different building/local later down the road if I chose?
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Well-Known Member
My warehouse is turning automated and my position at my building will become automated. We will have the option of staying there if senority prevails or moving to a different building.

I’m high enough senority I should be able to choose. The other building I could move to would actually be a little closer to me, but it would all be new to me, and I’d be back to loading trailers.

Im curious if anyone has experience working in an automated building, as I’m wondering how it works, in the sense of will there be easier positions for high senority workers, like monitoring the belt for jams and things like that, or do you think I’ll be loading trailers wherever I go?

Thank you very much
Irregs are always an open position but they can wear you down.
My warehouse is turning automated and my position at my building will become automated. We will have the option of staying there if senority prevails or moving to a different building.

I’m high enough senority I should be able to choose. The other building I could move to would actually be a little closer to me, but it would all be new to me, and I’d be back to loading trailers.

Im curious if anyone has experience working in an automated building, as I’m wondering how it works, in the sense of will there be easier positions for high senority workers, like monitoring the belt for jams and things like that, or do you think I’ll be loading trailers wherever I go?

Thank you very much
Yes. There will be less sorting positions and people will still be loading / unloading. Belt tender positions exist as well as clerk.


Well-Known Member
My hub went automated and expanded a few years ago. Sort positions were eliminated but they've hired aggressively since. Usually 2 per trailer unloading/loading and the irreg belts still need some form of human splitting. They use revenue audit labels to determine which belt an irreg goes. Hub looks like a big H and belt tenders are used at choke points to clear jams and take irregs out of the system. Also, many combo jobs created out of pallet dock/trailer sweep positions. The 2 small sorts also need more baggers and inducters. Not to mention the many people needed to correct or replace bad labels the system can't read. These are just the primary unload/load positions. The metro unload just adds to the volume of the 3 shifts in ground building. It's an air gateway with seperate ground/air buildings. I'm not sure how many jobs were consolidated into our buildings though.

So, yes there are still "easy" positions available but a lot more volume to process.


Well-Known Member
Best contract ever fueling automation?
A few weeks ago we had the local super aggressively pushing D.R.I.V.E donations in parking lot. They brought out their huge BBQ/smoker(for just hot dogs) and all kinds of teamster gear to give anyone signing up. Their main focus was pushing for legislation guaranteeing all jobs automated would be protected with some sort of retraining. I don't know how achievable that is though.
You would think so. We have blue vest/ new hires coming in every day. We, ground building combos, can get at least 2 hrs of OT a day. Fridays we've been getting meal violations for no 2nd lunch before 10th hour once or twice a month. I really miss my 8hr and out days. Lol
Well you know they're going to cut every job they can

And even if we got busier we don't have enough people or package cars to accommodate more work.


Well-Known Member
Best contract ever fueling automation?
Lol buildings have been automating long before this contract. We are still a business and still need to be competive with places like Amazon and fed ex, who you can bet will be automating as well

The new contract you reference mandates a certain amount of new full time jobs, and automation will just make things more efficient and create more work


Well-Known Member
I admit my hub is probably a more isolated example. We have the airport volume/rail yard volume and tons of commercial warehouses coming in 24hrs a day.