Elena Cardone wife of real estate speculator Grant Cardone has launched a GFM page to raise money to pay the 355 million (453M with accrued interest) the Orange Jesus had slapped down to him by the New York judge.
By this PM 2-17 $84,000 had been raised. So they have a bit more to raise.
Now here's what did in OJ and the boys ( good name for a band).
When you apply for multi million dollar loan gaining approval requires a financial statement whereby the applicant signs his name to the financial statement attesting to the truth and accuracy of those financial statements which describes in clear detail the collateral that would be put up by the borrower the back the safety of the loan
The prosecution had stacks and stacks of financial statements signed by a guy named Donald J. Trump that were conclusively proven by the prosecution to be totally bogus and or wildly overstated the value of Trump properties.
And when standing in front of the judge OJ and the boys told the judge that they didn't think that the banks would use the information they provided the banks as the determining factor as to whether or not they would get the loan. And in doing so they for all intents and purposes admitted to the judge that the financial information they gave the banks were total bull feces.
Is it any wonder why the judge absolutely had it with that bunch and unloaded on them?
But don't worry MAGA's. OJ will send Jared back over to Saudi Arabia to get the cash and if necessary onto Moscow to get the rest if needed.
By this PM 2-17 $84,000 had been raised. So they have a bit more to raise.
Now here's what did in OJ and the boys ( good name for a band).
When you apply for multi million dollar loan gaining approval requires a financial statement whereby the applicant signs his name to the financial statement attesting to the truth and accuracy of those financial statements which describes in clear detail the collateral that would be put up by the borrower the back the safety of the loan
The prosecution had stacks and stacks of financial statements signed by a guy named Donald J. Trump that were conclusively proven by the prosecution to be totally bogus and or wildly overstated the value of Trump properties.
And when standing in front of the judge OJ and the boys told the judge that they didn't think that the banks would use the information they provided the banks as the determining factor as to whether or not they would get the loan. And in doing so they for all intents and purposes admitted to the judge that the financial information they gave the banks were total bull feces.
Is it any wonder why the judge absolutely had it with that bunch and unloaded on them?
But don't worry MAGA's. OJ will send Jared back over to Saudi Arabia to get the cash and if necessary onto Moscow to get the rest if needed.