Donating sick days.


Never bought my own handtruck
Unfortunately I witnessed this more than once in my career.

It’s a terrible situation.
It’s the worst. Very few recover from it.

Not the time for jokes bro.

Donating sick days can be done. It is just a matter of how much time the Business Manager wants to invest and how well their connection network at Payroll functions. It is merely a matter of deducting a few hours here and adding it to the recipient's bank there. We have done it countless times in our center for various reasons.

Unfortunately I highly doubt any of my co workers would even consider this option. Mostly one way mudder uppers.


Well-Known Member
Why not just pass the hat while he utilizes FMLA?
If that means cashing in vacation or sick days to make it fit in your budget, doesn't it get you to the same place without trying to get the Company to jump through your hoops?
I hate asking the Company for anything more than I am entitled to.
It allows me to easily hold them to the same standard.

I know what you mean about asking the company to do things. The problem is I believe people have a harder time handing over money then just saying "oh ok here is 1 sick day." Also I believe the tax hit is harder when cashing out time.

As of right now the steward in his center has talked with the center manager and DM. He informed them of what he would like to do. They said they would contact payroll and see how it works being that neither one has ever heard of something like that.

Hopefully the drivers in his center will come together and help. Even if only half the drivers help it will be at least 30 days pay for that driver.


My Senior Picture
I know what you mean about asking the company to do things. The problem is I believe people have a harder time handing over money then just saying "oh ok here is 1 sick day." Also I believe the tax hit is harder when cashing out time.

As of right now the steward in his center has talked with the center manager and DM. He informed them of what he would like to do. They said they would contact payroll and see how it works being that neither one has ever heard of something like that.

Hopefully the drivers in his center will come together and help. Even if only half the drivers help it will be at least 30 days pay for that driver.
I'm in a large hub, with 3 package car centers, housing well over 200 drivers.
Couldn't tell you how many feeder drivers report here (100's ???), as well as 22.3 employees (nobody keeps track).
Couple those numbers with the revolving door that is the part time ranks and my building is very likely in excess of 1000 employees.
With those numbers in play, many personal friendships and relationships bloom, as well as many tales of sickness and hardship.
It's only natural for a good hearted person/group to want to help.

With all of this in mind, I can understand the administrative nightmare "donating time off" might be for the Company to facilitate, as well as the difficulty it would present for them to be consistent with the practice?
What liability does it open the Company to when they say yes to one scenario, then no to another?

If I was a member of management, I don't think I would entertain the notion.


Well-Known Member
I'm in a large hub, with 3 package car centers, housing well over 200 drivers.
Couldn't tell you how many feeder drivers report here (100's ???), as well as 22.3 employees (nobody keeps track).
Couple those numbers with the revolving door that is the part time ranks and my building is very likely in excess of 1000 employees.
With those numbers in play, many personal friendships and relationships bloom, as well as many tales of sickness and hardship.
It's only natural for a good hearted person/group to want to help.

With all of this in mind, I can understand the administrative nightmare "donating time off" might be for the Company to facilitate, as well as the difficulty it would present for them to be consistent with the practice?
What liability does it open the Company to when they say yes to one scenario, then no to another?

If I was a member of management, I don't think I would entertain the notion.

I can see your point and honestly if they decide not to do it I can't fault them. If that happens I guess we will look for something else we can do. I've already spread the word around about @MyTripisCut idea with the home cooked meals. Hopefully that will work out also.

I just know I don't know what I would do if I lost my wife. I can't imagine my 2 kids growing up without their mother and trying to explain to them why Dad can't get home in a reasonable time to see them.

Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
We have a Driver in one of our centers who's a very nice guy. His wife just recently passed away from cancer this weekend. He's a father of 3 and as you can imagine has a lot on his plate at the moment.

The reason I'm posting this is because the steward that informed me of this drivers terrible lose wishes as I do we could do some thing for this man. I know I've read on here before of centers donating sick time to other drivers when some thing like this happens. I'm wondering if anyone would have any information on how to go about this. My center manager is a ok guy but I'm sure if I leave it in his hands it will fall through the cracks.

Any info would be greatly appreciated

We've done this a few times over my career. Center Manager will be the guy who processes it all. He/She will have you sign to release 8 or 40 or ?hrs How many hours you'd like to donate to your fellow compadre co-worker in need. It's good for your soul and at the bottom of your check that says you have 370 hrs of sick banked... it goes to 330 or whatever you designate. It's easy-peasy and you'll know you did the right thing without changing your lifestyle at all. Ask your center manager. :)


Well-Known Member

First thank you everyone for your help. I really appreciated it.

So UPS has officially said NO. The drivers center manager and OR didn't feel it deserved much effort. So they sent 1 email to Finance asking if it was possible to donate sick time. I saw the E-mail back (the shop steward in the Center had a copy) it almost exactly said "I've never heard of this so I'd have to say NO".

Management doesn't feel it's worth looking into further so that's that. From what I'm told it took his management team a week to finally even send the E-mail asking if it was possible. It really helps cement the feeling that management could honestly give a S* about us.

Thanks again everyone.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Helping out a driver is too much work for management?
How many drivers in that center will help out if a Mangement person runs into bad circumstances?
None, I would hope, as it would be "too much work"

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
We have a Driver in one of our centers who's a very nice guy. His wife just recently passed away from cancer this weekend. He's a father of 3 and as you can imagine has a lot on his plate at the moment.

The reason I'm posting this is because the steward that informed me of this drivers terrible lose wishes as I do we could do some thing for this man. I know I've read on here before of centers donating sick time to other drivers when some thing like this happens. I'm wondering if anyone would have any information on how to go about this. My center manager is a ok guy but I'm sure if I leave it in his hands it will fall through the cracks.

Any info would be greatly appreciated

I think its a beautiful show of solidarity for you and your brothers and sisters to think of this, bravo. I'm sorry to here this story, but I've seen this happen in the past and their is nothing contractually, so the company won't do this. When this happened where I was in the past we got together and gave money.It's never enough, but it shows you care. I know of at least five of these situations that I can think of off the top of my head in the past thirty years. Its a hard thing to watch. I suggest the you also watch out for this brother at work, because he will be under a lot of stress and his job probably will suffer. Keep an eye on him.