DOW 30000


Well-Known Member
They rented for years then paid cash for their house.
You come from good stock, their type built this country.
My grandparents bought with cash as well. Can't speak to the house for cash scenario however, maybe they did, I just don't know. I do know my parents were all cash payment besides mortgage until revolving credit became commonplace. They were happier in that sense when my sister and myself were kids. We were poor in earthly goods, but we were paid for so to speak.


Retired 22 years
My grandfather never bought anything on time in his life including his home. Could they have spent more on some things(?), sure, but that's how they lived. Never wasted anything.
Other than my first house that my payments were under a hundred bucks a month for the 5 years we lived there I have never paid a dime of interest on anything. Two other houses, lost track of how many NEW vehicles, new Harleys, new campers, trips to damn near every tourist trap in the USA and Europe and many other toys have all been paid for with cash. It was all possible by living within our means. It helped that we made good investments and have had a GREAT financial planner for years. It can be done. Today every young married couple wants the best of everything (new house-new cars) right off the bat. And a lot of them are starting out with BIG student loans covering fields that these kids will never work in or if they do the jobs don't pay crap. Neither one of us got any financial windfall when our parents died.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Well-Known Member
That's what you get when you are weak like Biden.
trump was weak and corrupt too.

look how fat trump is.

but i heard trump knows how to end the russian invasion of ukraine which is diplomacy. you guys just sent another billion for weapons. how are we going to pay for it lol


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Obviously, you prefer an autocratic strongman dictator rather than a democratically elected president whose powers are limited by a 235 year old constitution.
So Biden was weak in dealing with Russia. Putin took full advantage. We put in office a confused bumbling fool when we elected Biden.



Inordinately Right
Obviously, you prefer an autocratic strongman dictator rather than a democratically elected president whose powers are limited by a 235 year old constitution.
Democraps acted like authoritarian fascists and the market reacted. You people try to rewrite history in real time. You're full of it.