Driver going after Contractor


Staff member
More drivers on the road with higher compensation sounds like less profit. How does Ground at this moment compare with Express size wise? No sarcasm here, just curious. How many states have to be converted to ISP status? And the all important question: does going to an ISP model eliminate the need to worry about RLA/NLRA, meaning the company can completely operate this way and use planes to deliver pkgs without the need for Express(as we currently know it?)? If so what kind of timeline are we talking about? This raises alot of issues such as will you be able to get better pay for your drivers because with Express gone this will be the new normal? I just hope I can hold on for a few more years then take my cash balance plan money and leave.
Relax. Alot of this is speculation. I think they are up to about 15 states announced or in the process of changing. As far as RLA, I believe it would since we at Ground are already NLRA. I will already be able to get better pay for my drivers because we want better more experienced drivers applying. $14/hr isn't gonna cut it and the company knows it. Over all, I think it's the way the company wants to go with express but they want a strong group of ISP operators in Ground before they allow any transference of the model. I wouldn't look for it before 10 years unless Fred suddenly loses his RLA exemption, then all bets are off.


Well-Known Member
Relax. Alot of this is speculation. I wouldn't look for it before 10 years unless Fred suddenly loses his RLA exemption, then all bets are off.

I figure it'll take some time, but if the ISP model is the answer they've been seeking, got to figure they'll try to get it done as quickly as possible. Never know what's over the horizon, and if going ISP is more profitable that's all the incentive they need.