Driver helper might be hurt, what action?


Hello, UPS'ers,

I have a niece that has signed up as a driver helper for peak. The first day she worked about 6 hours on the package car helping deliver, and while sore from using her body in a way she was not accustomed to, she said it was not too bad. I don't know the total packages delivered, but she said there were around 150 stops.

The next work day, she was assigned to a different area and driver. This driver was averaging in the neighbor hood of 250 stops, with the highest day being 280+ stops. Apparently, they were sending out a shuttle truck in the middle of the day with more packages due to the season.

As the week on, she started complaining of more and more pain in her knee joints, it sounds like inflammation to me, and then her ankle. When I saw her, she could not walk without pain, well, she wasn't walking very well at all. I don't know how she will be able to work her next scheduled day, judging from how she is moving.

Is this common for helpers? From talking with her, I am getting that the driver is running or jogging and she is doing the same because she wants to keep up. She is not a teenager or even young, but she is, or was, in pretty good shape.

I am afraid she will get hurt, and she took the job because she has no job, or health insurance. What happens if she gets hurt on the job?

I am curious if other drivers/helpers experience this almost crippling effect after only 7-8 days, and what do you all do about it?


Well-Known Member
Fairly new driver here. 2nd peak season, and I am no spring chicken. Almost time for the bluebird specials.

Anyway, with old injuries, etc. I too suffered much discomfort and pain for about my first 3 months. Then my body got used to the level of activity and my knees and ankles no longer give me daily issues.
Hello, UPS'ers,

I have a niece that has signed up as a driver helper for peak. The first day she worked about 6 hours on the package car helping deliver, and while sore from using her body in a way she was not accustomed to, she said it was not too bad. I don't know the total packages delivered, but she said there were around 150 stops.

The next work day, she was assigned to a different area and driver. This driver was averaging in the neighbor hood of 250 stops, with the highest day being 280+ stops. Apparently, they were sending out a shuttle truck in the middle of the day with more packages due to the season.

As the week on, she started complaining of more and more pain in her knee joints, it sounds like inflammation to me, and then her ankle. When I saw her, she could not walk without pain, well, she wasn't walking very well at all. I don't know how she will be able to work her next scheduled day, judging from how she is moving.

Is this common for helpers? From talking with her, I am getting that the driver is running or jogging and she is doing the same because she wants to keep up. She is not a teenager or even young, but she is, or was, in pretty good shape.

I am afraid she will get hurt, and she took the job because she has no job, or health insurance. What happens if she gets hurt on the job?

I am curious if other drivers/helpers experience this almost crippling effect after only 7-8 days, and what do you all do about it?
Pretty much normal for a high intensity physical job in the first week. Doubt if it will be anything permanent. Most people are not used to the physical effort involved in the day to day job.


Well-Known Member
She needs "jumper straps" for the knees.. they actually do help. And I would get gel insoles to help minimize groundshock. Sounds like pain from not being accustomed to the hard work. If there is bruising however, I would get that checked.
Make sure she is drinking plenty of water and stretching beforehand.. sounds dumb but it does help greatly.


Box Monkey
Doesn't matter how good of shape she is in, it's something she's not used to doing so the body is going to take a beating. And proper footwear would make a big difference.


Well-Known Member
Some slow down, but I wore some of my knee braces & purchased one of those ankle supports. All worked well. Still able to do the job, but maybe not as fast as without the issues. Ibuprofen & naproxen are nice as well.
Hello, UPS'ers,

I have a niece that has signed up as a driver helper for peak. The first day she worked about 6 hours on the package car helping deliver, and while sore from using her body in a way she was not accustomed to, she said it was not too bad. I don't know the total packages delivered, but she said there were around 150 stops.

The next work day, she was assigned to a different area and driver. This driver was averaging in the neighbor hood of 250 stops, with the highest day being 280+ stops. Apparently, they were sending out a shuttle truck in the middle of the day with more packages due to the season.

As the week on, she started complaining of more and more pain in her knee joints, it sounds like inflammation to me, and then her ankle. When I saw her, she could not walk without pain, well, she wasn't walking very well at all. I don't know how she will be able to work her next scheduled day, judging from how she is moving.

Is this common for helpers? From talking with her, I am getting that the driver is running or jogging and she is doing the same because she wants to keep up. She is not a teenager or even young, but she is, or was, in pretty good shape.

I am afraid she will get hurt, and she took the job because she has no job, or health insurance. What happens if she gets hurt on the job?

I am curious if other drivers/helpers experience this almost crippling effect after only 7-8 days, and what do you all do about it?

this is my 4th year and I have expereicned many aches and pains. this year my right ankle hurts bad when I put pressure on it enough that in the morning its like "am I able to work today" and my left leg got weak and the knee was paining. My fix so far has been to get a ankle and knee brace with some Advil and so far once that Advil kicks in and ive been adjusting my running and fast pace on Friday I was able to almost run again.


Theupserinbrown!, thanks, I am adding your comments to my "pain book of knowledge". I hope to help her get ready for the coming week, with all this great advice!


Well-Known Member
She's not used to the work. She is going from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds. Imagine if someone who thinks they are in good shape but doesn't jog tries to do 5 miles. Shin splints, sore knees, and sore ankles are bound to happen.


I always look 10 years younger than I am.
I'm a third year helper. It's a bit of a problem. Gel inner soles, creatine, and protein pills are how I am dealing with it. Soaks in the tub, a heat pad, and the Walgreen's version of Icy Hot (Driver suggested it) also help. The creatine needs water to work and takes three days to kick in. Also stretches and other warm up exercises work too. It's known as an over use injury by the way.


Well-Known Member
3 steps in and 3 steps out of the truck times however many stops. It can be grueling for someone new. All the suggestions everyone else have mentioned are good. Lots of water, Advil and going to work and actually working thru it does help.


Lunch is the best part of the day
make sure she is using the handrail to enter and exit the car. also dont run. a fast power walk is almost the same
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