Driver trainee lay-off

I have 34 days in only 6 more days to make book. They told me to come back oct.15th drive during peak and by Jan-feb I should make book. I have option to go back to preload until then.

Richard Harrow

Go back to the preload and stay there. If you need a full time job, start looking for one outside of the company.

You cannot accrue any seniority after October 15th until (I believe) January 15th. They will work you like a rented mule over peak and then kick you back to the preload when the volume tanks. This happens to no less than a dozen people in my building every single year.

If you absolutely need the money, then do what you have to do. But you've been warned.


I just got hired as a feeder driver specialist know much about it please reply it’s nonunion how’s the benefits what are the hours


Pineapple King
I just got hired as a feeder driver specialist know much about it please reply it’s nonunion how’s the benefits what are the hours
The bennies you will have to pay for.
The hours are weird, from what I've seen from non-union in the feeder dept is no sense of day or night. I've talked to my sup at all kinds of hours day or night. Not sure when the poor guy gets sleep. I may talk to him at 6am then he may text me at 12:00 pm while I'm sleeping, then call me at 3 am.