DWI Question


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I'd like to know who would give you positive rep for anything YOU have posted.
No one did. Those two were negative reps, they were just newer members who haven't made enough posts where they show up red instead of blue. Green is positive.


When did I advocate drunk driving?

I basically made 2 statements on this thread.

If I was on the jury, it would make a difference to me if a person is arrested for drunk driving 3 am or 3 pm. That's my opinion.
Why?Is it any easier on the family of the person killed by a drunk driver to know they were killed in the afternoon instead of 3 in the morning?

More deaths are caused by non -drunk drivers than by drunk drivers. And that's a fact.
Thats because alcohol is illegal in Iraq....duh

Where did I advocate drunk driving?
The fact that you seem to think it matters when its ok to DUI.


Well-Known Member
No one did. Those two were negative reps, they were just newer members who haven't made enough posts where they show up red instead of blue. Green is positive.

I went to user CP and the positives were listed by name.

thanks for the positive scratch


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I went to user CP and the positives were listed by name.

thanks for the positive scratch

No, I rarely give Negative Rep, but I did for your comment about my Memorial Day thread. You currently have 10 neg comments, with a negative total of more than 122,000 points in one day. Congrats on the record for one day.


Retired 23 years
Newworker is just messing with everyones brain and doing a good job of it I might add. Some posters just like making waves. It does make for more interesting reading than "where can I purchase UPS socks?" I will add that if he truly does have 3 DWI's he is really a lousy drunk driver and should give it up. It's one situation where practice don't make perfect. :peaceful: By the way if you go into User CP and scroll down to the bottom it does say who is giving you rep


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Going back to the original question...IF you hold a drivers license and IF you have 3 years of clean driving and IF you do not have any felony convictions, and IF you can get a DOT card... then you are qualified to drive. According to the contract, you can then put your name on the sign up list and you will be afforded the opportunity to go full time in order of seniority.
One thing I am curious about...in my state (Oregon) upon a 3rd DUI conviction you not only do at least a month in jail but your license is suspended for 10 years. How is it that you have 3 DUI's but are still lisenced? Is this all ancient history for you? I hope that you have gotten help for your problem and are clean and sober.


Well-Known Member
Wheres TieGuy when you need him the most?! :)

Multiple Choice:

A) his cape and blue/red leotards are at the cleaners rendering him unable to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
B) his wife has concealed a small quantity of kryptonite in the home rendering useless all but one of his super powers.
C) he has joined Batman to battle the forces of evil and is busy right now.
D) skillfully concealing his true identity, he is on the corporate jet returning from a corporate function and can not exit the aircraft without causing crippling decompression.
E) none of the above.


Well-Known Member
I was out of town all weekend and am just viewing this thread before going back to work this morning but it sures does seem as though newworker has stirred up quite a hornet's nest.

I would think that, even if newworker is able to keep a clean license for 3 years, is able to get a DOT card, and is then afforded the chance to sign the seniority list, why would UPS want the potential liability that could result if he were involved in an accident and the prosecuting attornery simply pulled his license abstract and saw the previous 3 DUIs? There are many other jobs within UPS that do not involve potentially endangering the lives of others nor exposing UPS to potentially major liability issues.

No, I don't have any sympathy for those who still have not learned that it is not OK to drink and drive.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I dont think you can have more than 8 points on your license.
On a more serious note, once I can understand...........
Three times? I have never been stopped 3xs for any traffic infraction. Obviously if you are repeatedly being caught you dont drink or drive very well, and after one, you should have thought "GEEX I better make some changes in my style"
Move close to the bar, where you can walk, drink at home or plan on not having much of a life. UPS is not the only job who will look at your record.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
New worker..... your 3pm is my 3 am everyday ,you wouldn't believe the wrecks i've seen behind the wheel of a feeder at 2/4 am when the drunks are going home,they seem to relax a bit more that there are fewer cars and trucks to be aware of!! Bull sh$#@$t they are all over the road and yes I have called the state troopers on them!!!


i'm fairly new here fellers, but i'm a member of many message boards and a mod on several. This guy (newworker) is a typically SH** starter, just having fun with getting negative reps/replies. I agree with several of the people that have replied, just ignore and it goes away.

I have a feeling jay11123 had an honest question, but saw the negative feedback and said, "i'm out." (Of course anyone that asks a question like that should very well know better than to even consider a job as a professional driver.) Even if he has been squeeky clean for 3-5 years, chances are slim to none that he gets a diver position (opinion).


Wheres TieGuy when you need him the most?! :)

Sorry...I was ..(hic) at da bar trying to steady my nerves for the ride home :happy-very:

I don't know what to do with this one. Someone with 3 dwi's asking about a driving job sounds bizzarre. Why isn't he in jail?

I don't think the requirements for a driving job are spelled out in the contract could be wrong. Thought UPS set the standards. I'll have to pull my contract out. Unlike my goon buddies I don;t keep one at home. :happy-very:

The drunk driving issue is an interesting one that we keep fooling ourselves into believing can be controlled.

A person can go to a bar and order an alcoholic beverage. Most sell hard liquor.

Drinking alocoholic beverages impairs your decision making process.

So you make a decision to drink too much.

The bartender makes a couple of bucks an hour and heavily relies on tips. So she will not cut you off unless you fall flat on your face. She may even hook you up with a free drink or two via samples or whatever.

You then drive drunk.

The person who wants to avoid the drunk drivng trap stays away from the bar.

If we really want to fix drunk driving then we should probably close the bars , but we know that won't happen. Or we should make bars enforce a two or three drink limit on every patron.
But instead we keep allowing people to drive to a bar, drink all night and drive home and wonder why we have a problem.

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