Employees violating the contract?


Well-Known Member
And i bet your a total dork that gets laughed at a pushed around all day by the Teamsters...

Hey i think you buddy DOL just called and says he needs your help....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

A guy that calls himself Lue C fer, that types things like LMAO, and says he lives in hell is calling me a dork? Do you play those role play games? Do you imagine yourself being a super hero? People laugh at you and it makes you feel sad doesn't it? Deep down you just want to be one of the gang. I was a psych major for a short while and that's how I would profile you. You even have some characteristics of a petafile.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I was a psych major for a short while and that's how I would profile you. You even have some characteristics of a petafile.

As part of that higher education, did they ever teach you to spell "Pedophile" correctly?

And when you say "short while"....are we talking a couple of hours, or did you actually attend for a few weeks before dropping out?

I dont normally criticize other people for minor spelling or typographical errors, but when they try to pass themselves off as being educated or intelligent...despite all evidence to the contrary...I feel compelled to call them on it.


A guy that calls himself Lue C fer, that types things like LMAO, and says he lives in hell is calling me a dork? Do you play those role play games? Do you imagine yourself being a super hero? People laugh at you and it makes you feel sad doesn't it? Deep down you just want to be one of the gang. I was a psych major for a short while and that's how I would profile you. You even have some characteristics of a petafile.

petafile? You mean pedophile, don't you? This is not an example of a simple typo, my friend. What college did you graduate from? Please tell us so we can make sure none of our friends or relatives attend that school.

while I was typing the above post, soberups beat me to it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Its a good thing us ignorant Teamsters are here to teach the geniuses from management how to spell big words.


I just received upssocks' final exam from his college senior year english class

He was asked to use a word in a sentence. He was asked to do this twelve times with twelve different words . Here are the results:

1. Foreclose
If I pay alimony today, I got no money foreclose.

2. Rectum
I had two Cadillacs, but my girlfriend rectum both.

3. Hotel
I gave my girlfriend crabs, and the hotel everybody.

4. Disappointment
My parole officer tol' me if I miss disappointment they gonna send me back to the joint.

5. Penis
I went to the doctors and he handed me a cup and said penis.

6. Israel
Tito tried to sell me a Rolex. I say, "Man, it look fake." He say, "Bull****, that watch israel".

7. Catacomb
I saw Don King at da fight the other night. Man, somebody get that catacomb.

8. Undermine
There's a fine lookin' ho living in the apartment undermine.

9. Acoustic
When I was little, my uncle bought me acoustic and took me to the pool hall.

10. Iraq
When we got to the pool hall, I tol' my uncle iraq, you break.

11. Stain
My mother-in-law stopped by and I axed her, "Do you plan on stain for dinner?"

12. Seldom
My cousin gave me tickets to the Nicks game, so I seldom.

Needless to say, the standards of the college that upssocks was attending at the time , were so low that he received an A on this test. With graded test in hand , he applied to ups for a management position and after taking a look at his exam, ups determined that he indeed was management material.


Well-Known Member
petafile? You mean pedophile, don't you? This is not an example of a simple typo, my friend. What college did you graduate from? Please tell us so we can make sure none of our friends or relatives attend that school.

while I was typing the above post, soberups beat me to it.

It was a joke, I knew you would be all over it. SoberUPS came out of nowhere. Thanks for keep BC spell check in line


Well-Known Member
A guy that calls himself Lue C fer, that types things like LMAO, and says he lives in hell is calling me a dork? Do you play those role play games? Do you imagine yourself being a super hero? People laugh at you and it makes you feel sad doesn't it? Deep down you just want to be one of the gang. I was a psych major for a short while and that's how I would profile you. You even have some characteristics of a petafile.

Do you mean "pedophile" or do you mean someone who has s*x with animals?
Or are you talking about a file for your dog's nails?

It was a joke, I knew you would be all over it. SoberUPS came out of nowhere. Thanks for keep BC spell check in line



Pees in the brown Koolaid
It was a joke, I knew you would be all over it. SoberUPS came out of nowhere. Thanks for keep BC spell check in line

I have always maintained that the best way to deal with internet trolls is to ignore them. For the most part, nothing that you have ever posted here has even been worthy of a response on my part.

I feel compelled to say one thing, though.

In my 23 yrs with UPS I have had the privelege of working for some very fine management people.

What they all had in common...was the ability to motivate their people through respect and encouragement rather than fear and intimidation.

If you truly are a full-time management person....as opposed to some part-time wannabe screwing around on the internet from his parents basement...you would do well to learn the value of teamwork and positive reinforcement.

If you want what is best for UPS....versus what helps to prop up your obviously fragile ego...you will take a long hard look at the manner in which you portray yourself and project your insecurities onto others by belittling and berating them.

Happy New Year.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I play favorites all the time. It turns the workers against one another. I love it. Then I sit them both down for not being able to work together. Works every time....

Are you telling the truth, or just making this stuff up?

If you aren't telling the truth...do you really think this is "funny"?

And if you are telling the truth...is it your honest opinion that this tactic makes for a better and more productive work enviorment? Is this a practice that will benefit UPS as a whole?

Your employer (UPS) is paying you to run a smooth and efficient workplace. Are you living up to your responsibilities as an employee and management person by engaging in such petty and vindictive tactics?

Or is it possible that you are simply exploiting your authority as a management person in order to indulge your own abusive desires?

Jim Casey founded a great company that was here before you were born and will continue to be here long after you are gone. Will our company be a better place for your having been here?


Well-Known Member
I play favorites all the time. It turns the workers against one another. I love it. Then I sit them both down for not being able to work together. Works every time....

You must have a bunch of 8 year olds working for you.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You must have a bunch of 8 year olds working for you.

I dont think he (Socks) is for real. And I dont think he will respond to any of this.

He is a "hit and run" poster....he gets the pot stirred up with inflammatory comments and then slinks away into the night when someone calls him on his B.S.


Binge Poster
I play favorites all the time. It turns the workers against one another. I love it. Then I sit them both down for not being able to work together. Works every time....


It doesn't have to be this way. You can change!!!!




Well-Known Member
Hey, Big I, i have restrained myself from commenting on any of your posts, however, i think you are wrong here; generally speaking, people don't change. You often say, they will change or they will leave, I'm wondering, do you think mr. socks represents his company well in his statements and actions? And, if, as your post implies, he is not fit to be a ups supervisor, how do you see him being shown the door?
Just wondering.


New Member
This is my first post. I saw this thread & just had to put my two-cents in! How about an employee that WORKS through their break?!? And to top it off, this same person will punch out, go back to their pull & keep loading trucks! This kind of stuff just irks me to no end! If I mention the fact that they are being anti-union by working off the clock, they tell me I am not a supervisor & they will stop if one tells them to. DUH!! No supervisor is going to stop an employee that works for free!!!!