Ending DACA


Staff member
As usual, you and your news source put out nothing but obvious lies.
He was mocking the pundit not some kid.

Have you no shame?
Did you notice Corey didn’t make that claim during the back and forth?

Embrace your racism. You’re from Georgia. Shouldn’t be too hard. Bet it feels comfy.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Did you notice Corey didn’t make that claim during the back and forth?

Embrace your racism. You’re from Georgia. Shouldn’t be too hard. Bet it feels comfy.
As comfortable as you are with your racism except I don’t seem to embrace it as fervently as you do.


Well-Known Member
Embraced what? You don’t even believe racism exists.
There's racism, then there's the racism that's involved in every aspect of your life(as you see it). The first can be dealt with, but the second puts a stranglehold on the life that could be had if not trapped in this insidious worldview.

El Correcto

god is dead
It’s sad there won’t even be a week until a law suit is filed over the executed order letting children be with their parents while detained. The left doesn’t want anyone to be detained at the border, they want them all release as citizens.


Retired 22 years
If you are in this country illegally thats tough--leave. The rest of the world operates like that --why should the US be different. Sneak into Mexico and demand free education-drivers licenses-welfare-housing-food-etc. and see where that gets you. There is a legal way to get citizenship to the US. Thousands do it every year. Round them up and heard them back across the border. BUILD THAT WALL

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Do you even believe racism exists?
I believe every person is racist.
What we observe is behavior so we see or more correctly, perceive racism based on our bias and background.
Most of us perceive racism as an undesirable trait and suppress it.

If you choose to have friends that have the same amount of melatonin as yourself ... that is racist although socially acceptable.

I choose to have no friends so I guess I am not racist in this respect.
However, I choose to never get off at an exit with the name MLK to get gas ⛽️.
I guess I am racist in this respect.
It’s complicated.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Do you even believe racism exists?


Staff member
I believe every person is racist.
What we observe is behavior so we see or more correctly, perceive racism based on our bias and background.
Most of us perceive racism as an undesirable trait and suppress it.

If you choose to have friends that have the same amount of melatonin as yourself ... that is racist although socially acceptable.

I choose to have no friends so I guess I am not racist in this respect.
However, I choose to never get off at an exit with the name MLK to get gas ⛽️.
I guess I am racist in this respect.
It’s complicated.

Congrats. You’ve made the KKK mainstream. Stupid Jingle Butt.