Ending DACA


Staff member
They aren't legitimate asylum seekers. Just another angle being worked by activists. Tell me why all of a sudden do we have asylum seekers? Don't recall asylum seekers during the Guatemalan Civil War. Or the Nicaraguan Civil War either. Most likely some, but back then people just snuck across the Border. Didn't have welcoming committees telling them where to go and what to do to get Federal assistance.
Maybe google can help ya.

Fresh Nicaragua violence as talks collapse


Well-Known Member
What’s going on in their countries?
Ask all the expats living peacefully there. Ask the international airlines that operate there. Ask all of the people who go to regular jobs everyday there. Is there poverty? Yes. Is there corruption? Yes. Is there danger? Yes if you go looking for it. Is there war? No. Genocide? No. And under international law you're supposed to go to the next country to yours, not skip to go where they have a safety net.


Nine Lives
With Mexico's strict immigration policies, you gotta wonder why they just let all of the Central Americans just waltz through their border and all the way through their country to ours. Hmm.

Also, don't the parents of the children that many times, do not accompany them, have any responsibility for putting them in such danger?

How many of these poor children are just picked up or off by coyotes/human traffickers, cartels, or just bad people on their journey? How many must die?
International law says refugees only have rights in the first country they enter fleeing from their home country.
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Inordinately Right
Let's get legal immigrants who are trained to do essential jobs, not need welfare.
Yeah, we don't want immigrants taking our low paying jobs, those are for American citizens... Let's get the highly educated ones in here to steal the high paying ones.....
Wtf are you thinking?


Inordinately Right
I hear you. The Left rages against consumerism, corporatism, capitalism, but wants the fancy car and the big house with the three car garage to park it in.
Meanwhile lazy welfare Queens like you can't afford to feed your wife and have to run off to a third world country..... Heaven forbid you man up and get a job.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we don't want immigrants taking our low paying jobs, those are for American citizens... Let's get the highly educated ones in here to steal the high paying ones.....
Wtf are you thinking?
I'm all for letting the hardworking people already here stay. After all they were more or less let in by our government and given jobs by our businessmen. What I want is the criminal element removed. No sanctuary city to protect them. Get them out of here, build the wall, and if we need more workers in industries that can prove Americans won't do the work for a legitimate wage then have a guest worker program. Letting in millions of people, many of whom will need and use public assistance, when we're mired in debt is suicide. I realize a lot of you want to see the U.S. go down in flames but a lot of us would like to see a strong, safe country that meets it's obligations to it's citizens.


Inordinately Right
I'm all for letting the hardworking people already here stay. After all they were more or less let in by our government and given jobs by our businessmen. What I want is the criminal element removed..
That was the Obama administration's position. Knew you were a liberal....

Trump disagrees, now we're wasting limited resources on toddlers.


Well-Known Member
That was the Obama administration's position. Knew you were a liberal....

Trump disagrees, now we're wasting limited resources on toddlers.
Trump offered to give millions of DACA kids legal status in exchange for building the wall. Schumer and Pelosi said no. What's really important is the future of the Democrat Party and it's return to power.