Ending DACA


Well-Known Member
I was referring more to the human rights violations and hostile attitude.
I think a good starting place to help South America would be ending the war on drugs, not starting another one. I think most of that countries problems stem from out of control cartels that have corrupted the government to the highest levels.
There are hundreds of thousands of U.S. expats in Mexico and on the forums they say don't get involved in the drug trade and you're fine. Much of what we hear about violence and asylum seekers is from Democrats justifying illegal immigration to hopefully turn them into Democrat voters someday.


Well-Known Member
There are hundreds of thousands of U.S. expats in Mexico and on the forums they say don't get involved in the drug trade and you're fine. Much of what we hear about violence and asylum seekers is from Democrats justifying illegal immigration to hopefully turn them into Democrat voters someday.

What a tired argument.

Even if we gave them asylum, the path to citizenship doesn't even need to exist.

Keep on with your misinformed xenophobia.

God you're a hateful bastard.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
With Mexico's strict immigration policies, you gotta wonder why they just let all of the Central Americans just waltz through their border and all the way through their country to ours. Hmm.

Also, don't the parents of the children that many times, do not accompany them, have any responsibility for putting them in such danger?

How many of these poor children are just picked up or off by coyotes/human traffickers, cartels, or just bad people on their journey? How many must die?


Well-Known Member
With Mexico's strict immigration policies, you gotta wonder why they just let all of the Central Americans just waltz through their border and all the way through their country to ours. Hmm.

Also, don't the parents of the children that many times, do not accompany them, have any responsibility for putting them in such danger?

How many of these poor children are just picked up or off by coyotes/human traffickers, cartels, or just bad people on their journey? How many must die?
The only thing that matters is the future of the Democrat Party.


Well-Known Member
‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’

Read your own book, get back to me.
It's a matter of how you do it. Allowing a constant flow of illegal immigrants that eventually will crush the whole system under it's weight isn't being smart about policy. And ends up harming everyone. And compassion starts at home. We have an opiate crisis. A lot of the dead encountered fentanyl from Mexico. We need to stop the flow of drugs as much as we can. We have plenty of impoverished already in this country. We have homeless vets and mentally ill walking the streets. We do not need to exacerbate the problem with our social services strained to the max and way too many criminals in our prisons that shouldn't even be in our country. With what's going on in our country now do you really want to pour kerosene on the fire by allowing open borders with no restraints?


Well-Known Member
It's a matter of how you do it. Allowing a constant flow of illegal immigrants that eventually will crush the whole system under it's weight isn't being smart about policy. And ends up harming everyone. And compassion starts at home. We have an opiate crisis. A lot of the dead encountered fentanyl from Mexico. We need to stop the flow of drugs as much as we can. We have plenty of impoverished already in this country. We have homeless vets and mentally ill walking the streets. We do not need to exacerbate the problem with our social services strained to the max and way too many criminals in our prisons that shouldn't even be in our country. With what's going on in our country now do you really want to pour kerosene on the fire by allowing open borders with no restraints?

Most of the guns in Mexico come from the US, what's your point?

Literally no one is advocating open borders with no restraints, another dumb unfounded Fox News talking point.

White deaths in this country just surpassed white births.

Maybe it's the plastic messing with our fertility, who knows.

The truth is, we need more immigrants, not less.


Staff member
With Mexico's strict immigration policies, you gotta wonder why they just let all of the Central Americans just waltz through their border and all the way through their country to ours. Hmm.

Also, don't the parents of the children that many times, do not accompany them, have any responsibility for putting them in such danger?

How many of these poor children are just picked up or off by coyotes/human traffickers, cartels, or just bad people on their journey? How many must die?
I don’t care. Once kids are here, we have a responsibility.


Well-Known Member
Most of the guns in Mexico come from the US, what's your point?

Literally no one is advocating open borders with no restraints, another dumb unfounded Fox News talking point.

White deaths in this country just surpassed white births.

Maybe it's the plastic messing with our fertility, who knows.

The truth is, we need more immigrants, not less.
Let's get legal immigrants who are trained to do essential jobs, not need welfare.


Well-Known Member
Asylum seekers are not prosecuted as criminals except by Trump and his brand of idiots.
They aren't legitimate asylum seekers. Just another angle being worked by activists. Tell me why all of a sudden do we have asylum seekers? Don't recall asylum seekers during the Guatemalan Civil War. Or the Nicaraguan Civil War either. Most likely some, but back then people just snuck across the Border. Didn't have welcoming committees telling them where to go and what to do to get Federal assistance.


Staff member
They aren't legitimate asylum seekers. Just another angle being worked by activists. Tell me why all of a sudden do we have asylum seekers? Don't recall asylum seekers during the Guatemalan Civil War. Or the Nicaraguan Civil War either. Most likely some, but back then people just snuck across the Border. Didn't have welcoming committees telling them where to go and what to do to get Federal assistance.
What’s going on in their countries?