flavor of the month

Sixth Punch Sense

Well-Known Member
Everyone’s getting crushed tomorrow
I have an 8 tomorrow. Going to watch the Twins spank the Pardres. Even have a $100 friend&B credit. Thursday is going to suck.

Backing is the new flavor this month. Although no scans is the focus of every PCM. Even though our center manager said we have the lowest no scan per 1000 in the district.🤷‍♂️


Full Service
I was called into the office this morning. Given a warning letter for not following instructions. I was observed getting ice out the ice machine on UPS time. Pay me 15 minutes to talk about the 1 minute I went over.


Our flavor of the month is to "keep our heads down." We are surrounded by huge centers in our larger region that keep crashing into things so the division level management has their hands full.

Translation: Don't garner unwanted attention because our center manager wants to go home at noon every day.


Staff member
Our flavor of the month is to "keep our heads down." We are surrounded by huge centers in our larger region that keep crashing into things so the division level management has their hands full.

Translation: Don't garner unwanted attention because our center manager wants to go home at noon every day.
Don’t hit stuff, don’t see division manager.

It’s a deal that works out well for everyone.