Exactly my points, my route used to need 65 stops with 30 pickups for 8 hrs, routinely now I get over 90 and then a few times a week, i get in and have 40 stops off another car left to be delivered, and most of it is business and they are closed. If these customers would complain and get their shipping back for guaranteed ground, UPS would see that this is not saving money, but most customers put up with it or switch to another carrier. But in the meantime, supervision wants to know why this stuff is delivered after 5, I just say do the math. Picked up the stops at 630 pm, Duh. doesnt seem to be the way to treat customers when we say we want the volume. I have never understood the mentality of sending people home, who usually are making less, and keeping others out and paying them 30+ an hour in OT. I know I expect 50 + hrs at peak, but in the summer you should be able to get home before dark.......And like all of you, we know there are days and weeks where things just happen, people off for funerals, sickness and other things, but for seasons at a time?
The other thing that gets me is when a customer does call to complain, some office person tells them, "we have to cut routes, combine routes, and the volume is down, and this is just the nature of our business blah, blah blah" Why does UPS think a customer gives a hoot about the nature of UPS, or why they would understand UPS numbers theory, or want to, when it is hurting the business the customer is trying to run? And we are the service provider, correct? After all they ARE paying us to provide the service. And in my opinion we are not providing service when they have to put up with a bedraggled driver, and late deliveries and service failures.