Full-Time Supervisor Found Out My Browncafe Username...


Well-Known Member
Do you also have the hardest pull in the building?
No, but the metro I pick off sometimes gets pretty hectic. I like to say that despite my little experience as a pick-off (I've not even done it for a year yet, having loaded the vast majority of my 11 years part-time), I'm only behind the two best pick-offs in the building who have both been picking off for 15+ years. They're honestly in a league all their own as far as picking off goes, but that said I've been compared to them more than a couple of times.
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Resident Suit
Some of them get on here to find out stuff about the union ,and how people are thinking about stuff. One of my former Divison Managers used to bring up stuff he read on Browncafe
I always love when they bring it up on a call.

Anyone in my division with half a brain could figure out who I was in 15 seconds. But I work at UPS so I’m safe


Well-Known Member
During an annual ride my supe asked me if I've ever heard of BrownCafe.

I gave him my very best stupid look and said, "is that where you get something to eat?".

End of conversation.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know why a lowly part-time sup or fult-time hub sup would come here. I kinda get why an On Car would. But I think the reason upper management come here has less to do with feeling the pulse of their employees and union business and more to get a feel of what stockholders would see should they ever take the time to read some of what's said here. That could be a disaster. Maybe a good push to get stockholders to this site could help us get rid of ORION?

As far as being anonymous.....I've been that way for 20 years and plan on sticking with it until I hit the lottery.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
No, I don't care that he found out, but I do care about the supervisors working problem at my hub. That's really what I was ranting about anyways. Oh, and for what it's worth I think (I could be wrong) that my full-time supervisor has a certain modicum of respect for me. We go back and forth at work arguing about stuff all the time but at the end of the day I actually have a certain modicum of respect for him as well. It's an odd relationship. He knows he needs me because I'm a hard worker, and I respect that although he violates the contract on a daily basis as far as supervisors working he takes care of his people.
The odd couple?


Retired 22 years
When ever I mention BC around any of the retirees all I get is a blank stare. I don't think a third of them even have smart phones let alone a computer. Sometimes I just make up stuff just to get their reactions.