Future Speculation


Well-Known Member
Predicted Trump would beat Hillary. Still smarting over that one, huh?

Sorry Orc,

It gets exasperating pointing this out, but I am ridiculously above the "good guys vs. bad guys" narrative that the two party system proffers. I can see why sods such as yourself get sucked in (populist indeed!) but I'm so far above that bull:censored2: you may as well call me your highness.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Yesterday, someone turned our TV on (for the first time in 6 months) in our check-in room. A news announcement across the bottom of the screen caught my eye over all the FedEx propaganda. Apparently, FedEx is on the list of "10 Best Managed Companies". I was dumbfounded and tried to find that on the internet. So far, I haven't found it. Maybe it's 10 pages into Google. I'll post it when/if I find it. Lol. Everyone standing around me was like, huh?? Best managed companies list??? Anyone else see that?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Let me guess how the rest of the story turned out: the employees went back to following the dictates of the terrible managers, and didn't apply for any other jobs.

Luckily, you have a job. You might want to leave the comedy to the professionals.


Well-Known Member
If I make it to 2040 with Express these are the changes I will expect to see. Surmise to say, but my daily observations are strong indicators. And when I cash out my PPA lump sum of enough money to buy a used friend-150 for a lifetime of service, I will get a book deal for 6 figures because I chronicled this. In no particular order.

*People in the USA will still set goals to become UPS drivers as career choices as long as wages/benefits/pension exists. Nobody will plan on a life at Express, just temporary stops. 3rd world immigrants, and ne'er do wellers.

*The job requirement that currently exists for the crop of new hires they bring in "must have 4 limbs and a pulse," will become must have one or the other.

*Express will be the chief guild artisan architect of the Highest Deductible Health Insurance Plan in the country. Literally.

*My work group will be half LGBTQ, if not more. Which is fine, but the individuals we have now are not strong enough to move AMJ cans now. The other half border line morbidly obese from eating fast food all day. The :censored2: they cram down will increase health costs across the board when 10% + of all staff is diabetic or pre diabetic.

*No matter what happens going forward, even amongst machines, drones, antiquated computer equipment, low life employees, Express will maintain a brigade sized element of over paid, clueless management that will self sustain it's self by taking SFA's for one another.
Not to be critical but you overlooked 2 important segments of the US labor force.......Trailer trash and bottom feeders. It has been often said that 30 years from now if you're not running the new technology......it runs you !


Well-Known Member
Sorry Orc,

It gets exasperating pointing this out, but I am ridiculously above the "good guys vs. bad guys" narrative that the two party system proffers. I can see why sods such as yourself get sucked in (populist indeed!) but I'm so far above that bull:censored2: you may as well call me your highness.
You're so above it you have a high opinion of yourself. Can't help but notice the impassioned responses you give when you get needled a little. And you think you're being clever with the word sod. It just speaks to your character.


Well-Known Member
You're so above it you have a high opinion of yourself. Can't help but notice the impassioned responses you give when you get needled a little. And you think you're being clever with the word sod. It just speaks to your character.

Well, I have to admit, there are days when it's hard to be humble. Aside from that, I was merely pointing out that there are people who had the mental accuity to see through Trump's paper-thin populist rhetoric (obviously, you did not). That doesn't necessarily mean that they support the other half of the two-party system.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have to admit, there are days when it's hard to be humble. Aside from that, I was merely pointing out that there are people who had the mental accuity to see through Trump's paper-thin populist rhetoric (obviously, you did not). That doesn't necessarily mean that they support the other half of the two-party system.
Try to judge Trump by the entirety of his term. If he deserves it then let him have it. Judging him on the basis of the media smear campaign is just lazy.


Staff member
Try to judge Trump by the entirety of his term. If he deserves it then let him have it. Judging him on the basis of the media smear campaign is just lazy.
Can you honestly say you gave Obama that courtesy?

And really, what smear campaign? There are a lot of contradictions and lies that our president needs to answer for.


Well-Known Member
Can you honestly say you gave Obama that courtesy?

And really, what smear campaign? There are a lot of contradictions and lies that our president needs to answer for.

Classic Orc; he fully supports the POTUS, who much like himself, takes no responsibility for the situation that he is in - for :censored2:s sake, how can it be a media smear campaign when he hired TWO foreign agents as campaign staffers? Yeah, the liberal media (owned by GE, Disney, and Fox) are clearly to blame for that.


Well-Known Member
Can you honestly say you gave Obama that courtesy?

And really, what smear campaign? There are a lot of contradictions and lies that our president needs to answer for.
No, the lies are narratives the media has pushed in hopes of getting him impeached. Someone states something with no foundation, and then everyone says the President should answer for it. Over and over. Did I give Obama that courtesy? In 8 years he doubled the national debt. He constantly involved himself in racial matters, and I don't recall him ever being on the right side of it. He weakened our standing in the world. His administration covered up the Benghazi affair. He was caught on an open mike colluding with the Russians(does the media ever mention that?) It's pretty apparent that he misused his power to monitor the Trump campaign in 2016. He gave Hillary cover over her scandals. He flat out lied to the American public about Obamacare. And quite a few others. Of course you'll deny much of it and the Press certainly covered for him. These are legitimate reasons to be critical. Trump wasn't my choice for the Republican nominee and I wish very much that he'd act Presidential. Stop the tweeting. But I want the constant attacks with no basis to stop so that he can govern. Which is exactly what the Left doesn't want. And thus the constant smears. And if he has done something impeachable so be it. But the Left has crossed over to mass hysteria since the election. And it's hurting the country.


Well-Known Member
Classic Orc; he fully supports the POTUS, who much like himself, takes no responsibility for the situation that he is in - for :censored2:s sake, how can it be a media smear campaign when he hired TWO foreign agents as campaign staffers? Yeah, the liberal media (owned by GE, Disney, and Fox) are clearly to blame for that.
And what situation am I in? You think you know Mexico? You don't have a clue. Talking authoritatively about things you don't know anything about.


Staff member
Van, c'mon...

The GOP health bill gets Rose Garden party. Weeks later Trump calls it mean.

Comey was fired for handling of Clinton emails--or a couple other reasons until Trump went on TV and TOLD THE ENTIRE COUNTRY it was about Russia. Even bragged about it to Russians.

Biggest inauguration ever...til you saw the pictures.

Says he wants the Russia thing to go away but wants to fire the investigator.

Will NOT criticize Putin. Son seemed pleased to let everyone know they get all the funding they need from Russia.

What narrative would you have the media put forth with the vast evidence that the president is a liar, ridiculously thin skinned, and possibly compromised?