Future Speculation


Well-Known Member
Van, c'mon...

The GOP health bill gets Rose Garden party. Weeks later Trump calls it mean.

Comey was fired for handling of Clinton emails--or a couple other reasons until Trump went on TV and TOLD THE ENTIRE COUNTRY it was about Russia. Even bragged about it to Russians.

Biggest inauguration ever...til you saw the pictures.

Says he wants the Russia thing to go away but wants to fire the investigator.

Will NOT criticize Putin. Son seemed pleased to let everyone know they get all the funding they need from Russia.

What narrative would you have the media put forth with the vast evidence that the president is a liar, ridiculously thin skinned, and possibly compromised?
Have you not watched hearings? When asked directly about Russian collusion or actually affecting voting various officials including Comey and the Chief of Homeland Security Johnson amongst others have directly, unequivocally said they have seen no evidence of such. Comey said there was no investigation of Trump. In the last couple of weeks the Press has shifted from Russian collusion to obstruction because they didn't have anything. But that's all we heard for months. You even posted an article on Current Events stating Trump was selling access at Mar-a-Lago but that article further down stated he might be doing it(after saying he was doing it at the start of article) It's an orchestrated smear campaign against someone who goes out of his way to make it easy to attack him. I never said he's a wonderful guy who we should follow blindly. But I do agree with some of his views. Whatever it takes to bring jobs back. Cut costs. Do right by veterans. Protect the country. And that includes border security. Replace Obamacare. You may disagree but trying to get him impeached with lies is nothing short of a coup attempt. So yes, I'm standing up for him until he actually proves he's not worthy of it.


Staff member
Have you not watched hearings? When asked directly about Russian collusion or actually affecting voting various officials including Comey and the Chief of Homeland Security Johnson amongst others have directly, unequivocally said they have seen no evidence of such. Comey said there was no investigation of Trump. In the last couple of weeks the Press has shifted from Russian collusion to obstruction because they didn't have anything. But that's all we heard for months. You even posted an article on Current Events stating Trump was selling access at Mar-a-Lago but that article further down stated he might be doing it(after saying he was doing it at the start of article) It's an orchestrated smear campaign against someone who goes out of his way to make it easy to attack him. I never said he's a wonderful guy who we should follow blindly. But I do agree with some of his views. Whatever it takes to bring jobs back. Cut costs. Do right by veterans. Protect the country. And that includes border security. Replace Obamacare. You may disagree but trying to get him impeached with lies is nothing short of a coup attempt. So yes, I'm standing up for him until he actually proves he's not worthy of it.
I'm not trying to get him impeached but I am all for finding out what the Trump/Putin thing is about. I'm guessing that thing is about money and I want to know he isn't compromised when making international decisions. There is no way to say there is "no there there". It's obvious there is.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to get him impeached but I am all for finding out what the Trump/Putin thing is about. I'm guessing that thing is about money and I want to know he isn't compromised when making international decisions. There is no way to say there is "no there there". It's obvious there is.
No there isn't and various Obama administration officials under oath have said so. And as Trey Gowdy asked the other day, why did the DNC say they their server was hacked but refused to turn it over to investigators? Something's rotten alright.


Staff member
No there isn't and various Obama administration officials under oath have said so. And as Trey Gowdy asked the other day, why did the DNC say they their server was hacked but refused to turn it over to investigators? Something's rotten alright.
You're making things up. Nobody has said there are no financial ties between Trump and Russia.


Well-Known Member
You're making things up. Nobody has said there are no financial ties between Trump and Russia.
They have said he isn't being investigated. But let's go there. Hillary signed off on a deal giving 20% of our uranium to Russia. Shortly after millions were given to her foundation and Bill went to Moscow for a very high speaking fee. No one is looking into that are they? But they keep sniffing around in hopes of turning up something that will link Trump to Russia in a way that will get him impeached. I see nothing but hypocrisy going around.


Well-Known Member
And what situation am I in? You think you know Mexico? You don't have a clue. Talking authoritatively about things you don't know anything about.

A real man, who was imbued with the Christian spirit (like myself), would be home taking care of his wife (pretty tough to live on $10.00 an hour). From my point-of-view (i.e. a true Christian), you're a scum bag.


Well-Known Member
They have said he isn't being investigated. But let's go there. Hillary signed off on a deal giving 20% of our uranium to Russia. Shortly after millions were given to her foundation and Bill went to Moscow for a very high speaking fee. No one is looking into that are they? But they keep sniffing around in hopes of turning up something that will link Trump to Russia in a way that will get him impeached. I see nothing but hypocrisy going around.
That so called sale to Russia? That sale had to go through 9 separate authorizations and in the end it never left the country. At the time the US government was in sequestration and the US Department of Energy was running out of money to store it's uranium. The proposal was to sell some of it's NON WEAPONS GRADE uranium stocks to Russia in a budgetary driven move but in the end it never left the country. Keep in mind something else. In 2007 the going price for a pound of uranium was $ 140. Today it sells for $25. The world is buried in uranium and Russia has within it's borders some of the world's largest reserves of uranium. It was cheaper to buy some from us than mine it themselves , not to mention the tons of uranium recovered from all of the ICBM's it had to dismantle under arms reduction deals. Once again Rush Limbaugh and Fox News only told you only that part of the story they wanted you to hear.


Well-Known Member
A real man, who was imbued with the Christian spirit (like myself), would be home taking care of his wife (pretty tough to live on $10.00 an hour). From my point-of-view (i.e. a true Christian), you're a scum bag.
If you must know, we were waiting out several months, 4 to be exact, for the tenant in our home to leave when his lease expired. We were staying in a weekly rental in Branson, MO which was basically a motel room with kitchenette. Branson is so overbuilt you can get weekly rooms there pretty reasonable. It was the best I could come up with on my pension. I had already paid $4000 of her credit card debt after cashing out my 401k and portable pension, leaving her with just one. I paid off all my cards too except for one. The rest we lived on plus my pension until we were down to just my pension. She didn't like living in a motel room, wanted something better, pushed me to rent a place in Kansas City that would've cost over $900 a month. Told her we didn't have the money. I found a large room for $500 a month in a house but she didn't want to do that. She left me to move in with a friend in Kansas. Was nice enough to drop me off at Avis where I got a decent one way rental to El Paso where I had located an affordable studio. Halfway there had to euthanize my 16 year old dog who had cancer. He was the reason I was staying in the States before going to Mexico. I was very distraught, my Dad suggested I go on to Mexico and he bought the ticket. My wife was supposed to start a $12hr job shortly after moving into her friend's house. She decided against it, briefly worked in a restaurant, and is now starting a $12hr job she's happy with. We've since made up, and were going to go to Europe early August. She's decided against that, is moving into her house, and her daughter will move in and share expenses. My diabetes is such I can't stand on my feet for long periods anymore. So I'm going to where I can get by on less than $400 a month, and will up my monthly amount to her from $500 to $700. I've been married to her for close to 4 years now. We got married because we were going to travel. That was never her real intent. But I am going to travel, I will get her house paid off, and then I'm coming home. Yes, I shared too much, as you always say. But you always take the little bits of my personal life and twist them into something terrible. As I've said before, that's all you're interested in doing. I know what I'm doing for my wife, and just some friendly advice. Keep your comments about others relationships to yourself. You're going to spout off in person to someone someday and they are going to hurt you. And that's a train wreck that will probably happen because you can't seem to control yourself.


Well-Known Member
That so called sale to Russia? That sale had to go through 9 separate authorizations and in the end it never left the country. At the time the US government was in sequestration and the US Department of Energy was running out of money to store it's uranium. The proposal was to sell some of it's NON WEAPONS GRADE uranium stocks to Russia in a budgetary driven move but in the end it never left the country. Keep in mind something else. In 2007 the going price for a pound of uranium was $ 140. Today it sells for $25. The world is buried in uranium and Russia has within it's borders some of the world's largest reserves of uranium. It was cheaper to buy some from us than mine it themselves , not to mention the tons of uranium recovered from all of the ICBM's it had to dismantle under arms reduction deals. Once again Rush Limbaugh and Fox News only told you only that part of the story they wanted you to hear.
And the deal was signed off by Secretary of State Clinton, millions were donated by concerned parties in Russia, and Bill got a big fat fee speaking there. And the Clinton's, who claimed to be broke when they left the White House, are now worth over $120,000,000 from speaking fees. She deleted 33,000 emails, acid washed her server, was reckless with top secret materials, and no one is seeking an indictment. That's the Rest of the story you don't want to hear.


Well-Known Member
And the deal was signed off by Secretary of State Clinton, millions were donated by concerned parties in Russia, and Bill got a big fat fee speaking there. And the Clinton's, who claimed to be broke when they left the White House, are now worth over $120,000,000 from speaking fees. She deleted 33,000 emails, acid washed her server, was reckless with top secret materials, and no one is seeking an indictment. That's the Rest of the story you don't want to hear.
It was signed off by the State Dept. not Clinton.


Well-Known Member
She was the Secretary of State at the time and it required her approval.
FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.


Well-Known Member
And the deal was signed off by Secretary of State Clinton, millions were donated by concerned parties in Russia, and Bill got a big fat fee speaking there. And the Clinton's, who claimed to be broke when they left the White House, are now worth over $120,000,000 from speaking fees. She deleted 33,000 emails, acid washed her server, was reckless with top secret materials, and no one is seeking an indictment. That's the Rest of the story you don't want to hear.
The Clinton investigation IS OVER, so GET OVER it. Given your chronic diabetes I would suggest that you not come back to the states if it appears that you will have to go to a nursing home . Why? Your hero Trump is about to sign a bill that will cut 800 billion dollars from Medicaid. Why is that important you might ask? 69% of the Medicaid budget goes to nursing homes to care for the elderly whose own funds have been expended, Under the plan states will receive a block grant or a percapita set amount from Medicaid and numerous states have made it quite clear that they simply do not have tax bases large enough to make up the difference. Therefore I would suggest that you get with your wife and any kids you may have and try to get a plan in place to deal with the crisis millions of Americans will soon face.....A chronically ill, aged or disabled loved one in a nursing home penny less their Medicaid per capita stipend exhausted and the nursing home wants them out. As for your marital issues.....Where I come from we don't marry spouses.....we just lease them. After all you get 50-60,000 miles on them you pretty much got everything that's in them.


Well-Known Member
FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.
OK, fair enough. Want to explain how they got so wealthy? Want to explain hundreds of millions going into her foundation from private corporations and foreign governments? Why did she have a private nongovernmental server on her property? Why was it acid washed before turned over to the FBI? Why did Attorney General Lynch intercede on her behalf after meeting with Bill? Want to go after Trump? Give equal time to her. No one is above the law.


Well-Known Member
The Clinton investigation IS OVER, so GET OVER it. Given your chronic diabetes I would suggest that you not come back to the states if it appears that you will have to go to a nursing home . Why? Your hero Trump is about to sign a bill that will cut 800 billion dollars from Medicaid. Why is that important you might ask? 69% of the Medicaid budget goes to nursing homes to care for the elderly whose own funds have been expended, Under the plan states will receive a block grant or a percapita set amount from Medicaid and numerous states have made it quite clear that they simply do not have tax bases large enough to make up the difference. Therefore I would suggest that you get with your wife and any kids you may have and try to get a plan in place to deal with the crisis millions of Americans will soon face.....A chronically ill, aged or disabled loved one in a nursing home penny less their Medicaid per capita stipend exhausted and the nursing home wants them out. As for your marital issues.....Where I come from we don't marry spouses.....we just lease them. After all you get 50-60,000 miles on them you pretty much got everything that's in them.
You're really hung up on nursing homes. And really what investigation? The Obama administration provided cover for her, she was the nominee after all.
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Well-Known Member
OK, fair enough. Want to explain how they got so wealthy? Want to explain hundreds of millions going into her foundation from private corporations and foreign governments? Why did she have a private nongovernmental server on her property? Why was it acid washed before turned over to the FBI? Why did Attorney General Lynch intercede on her behalf after meeting with Bill? Want to go after Trump? Give equal time to her. No one is above the law.
Charity Navigator the organization that rates charities based on several important criteria gave the Clinton Foundation a rating of 94.74 out of a possible 100. On the other hand the highly acclaimed Wounded Warrior Project received a rating of 90.90.


Well-Known Member
OK, fair enough. Want to explain how they got so wealthy? Want to explain hundreds of millions going into her foundation from private corporations and foreign governments? Why did she have a private nongovernmental server on her property? Why was it acid washed before turned over to the FBI? Why did Attorney General Lynch intercede on her behalf after meeting with Bill? Want to go after Trump? Give equal time to her. No one is above the law.
If there was anything to nail Clinton, Drumpf would've already done it. Get over it.


Well-Known Member
Charity Navigator the organization that rates charities based on several important criteria gave the Clinton Foundation a rating of 94.74 out of a possible 100. On the other hand the highly acclaimed Wounded Warrior Project received a rating of 90.90.
It was a front for influence peddling. She was the presumed next President.


Well-Known Member
You're really hung up on nursing homes. And really what investigation? The Obama administration provided cover for her, she was the nominee after all.
So I'm hung up on nursing homes? Many states including the one I live in have strict laws regarding the care, safety and well being of the aged. If a qualified professional such as a physician,physician's assistant. home health nurse etc says that a loved one must go to a nursing home by God they go and anyone who tries to get in the way can be held accountable under state law. So if you decide to come back here because you can't get the care you need or desire overseas you and those who assume a role in regard to your health and well being will be subject to the laws of that state.


Well-Known Member
If there was anything to nail Clinton, Drumpf would've already done it. Get over it.
Not up to him. The way Democrats have freaked out over him winning, wouldn't be politically astute to get an indictment. But time will tell. Can't think of any politician who got that wealthy on speaking fees. Not even close.