FZ gives speech,


Well-Known Member
friend.Z gives a great speech on Radio " local804radio.com "
His speech says it all,... we've got to stick together and vote out the current IBT


Well-Known Member
A bought and paid for loser.

Sorry bug, but you are not a stupid person.

IMHO the only way you can follow H to the ruin of our union is that you are getting kick backs of some kind.

Instead of "fighting with the members" he would rather sling mud,... That's all they got,... He also doesn't want to lose his position,... The perks of being on Hoffa's coat tails is coming to an end,... This movement is growing whether he likes it or not!
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Well-Known Member
A bought and paid for loser.

Sorry bug, but you are not a stupid person.

IMHO the only way you can follow H to the ruin of our union is that you are getting kick backs of some kind.
Now there is some made up mudslinging without any merit......you don't know who he is and you are accusing him of corruption without any facts.....you guys are unbelievable and desperate.....you 2 guys should get a life and stop trying to destroy our union
Supposedly I will have some kind of exclusive on Fred on Tuesday that looks real real bad. I'll keep my fingers crossed. It might have to be delivered via pm so keep those private messages open. Keep your fingers crossed.
By Mayo Clinic Staff

Gingivitis is a common and mild form of gum disease (periodontal disease) that causes irritation, redness and swelling (inflammation) of your gums. Because gingivitis can be mild, you may not be aware that you have the condition. But it's important to take gingivitis seriously and treat it promptly. Gingivitis can lead to much more serious gum disease (periodontitis) and eventual tooth loss.

The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene. Good oral health habits, such as brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily and getting regular dental checkups, can help prevent gingivitis.
By Mayo Clinic Staff

Healthy gums are firm and pale pink. If your gums are puffy, dusky red and bleed easily, you may have gingivitis. Because gingivitis is seldom painful, you can have gingivitis without even knowing it.

Signs and symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Swollen gums
  • Soft, puffy gums
  • Receding gums
  • Occasionally, tender gums
  • Gums that bleed easily when you brush or floss, sometimes seen as redness or pinkness on your brush or floss
  • A change in the color of your gums from a healthy pink to dusky red
  • Bad breath
When to see a dentist
Most dentists recommend regular checkups to identify gingivitis, cavities (caries) and other dental conditions before they cause troubling symptoms and lead to more serious problems. If you notice any signs and symptoms of gingivitis, schedule an appointment with your dentist. The sooner you seek care, the better your chances of reversing damage from gingivitis and preventing its progression to periodontitis.

A healthy tooth is protected by hard, white enamel and firm, pink gums.
What causes an abscessed tooth?
What causes an abscessed tooth?
There are many causes for a tooth abscess. A very common cause is when a dental cavity (decay) becomes so large and deep that it reaches the pulp chamber. An inflammatory process takes place within the tooth. Inflammation of the pulp (pulpitis) is usually what is felt as a toothache. Pulpitis is further characterized by tests done by a dentist as reversible or irreversible. Reversible pulpitis means that the pulp is irritated but has an opportunity to recover. Irreversible pulpitis means that it will not recover, and the pulp is dying. Once the pulp is dead (or "necrotic"), an abscess can form as the infection spreads from the tooth to the gum ligament and jawbone below. Often, a tooth that becomes necrotic can still be saved if steps are taken to resolve the infection at an early stage.

Other causes for a tooth to become necrotic and abscess are (1) a blow to a tooth, (2) dental treatment such as a crown or a filling that gets too close to the pulp chamber, or (3) trauma to a tooth from grinding or clenching. In every form of a tooth abscess, the pulp chamber is adversely affected and is unable to recover from the insult or injury. A blow to the tooth can immediately sever the tooth's blood supply. When the blood supply is lost, the nutrient supply is also lost. As a result, the pulp quickly dies. Trauma from grinding or clenching (called "occlusal trauma") is a slower, progressive injury to a tooth.
Can an abscessed tooth be prevented?Good home-care habits and regular dental visits can play a big role in preventing an abscessed tooth. Time is also a big factor in whether a tooth is allowed to reach the point of infection. The longer the tooth sits with a problem, the higher chance that infection can occur and spread to become an abscess. Once a decayed, fractured, or sensitive tooth is noticed, taking the preventive steps to fix it early will help prevent bigger problems such as an abscessed tooth.