Gas Prices Skyrocketing Thanks Biden!


Well-Known Member
I’d recommend you download TikTok and watch videos by a dude named mrglobaltoo. He’s no lover of Biden but he is an oil executive and analyst who has an insightful view of the oil and gas industry as it pertains to the global economy. He will tell you that your current view has merits but it a flawed if you think Trump’s policies didn’t help usher us into the situation we’re in now.
I generally enjoy discussing things with you, but when you say you recommend TikToc I lol.


Better than clicking our heels together and imagining we'll be magically whisked away to a fossil fuel-free world by starving our ourselves and our economies of them right now.
if we keep using them we will starve ourselves. what do you think climate catastrophe will do to crop production.

socialism or barbarism my friend

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
if we keep using them we will starve ourselves. what do you think climate catastrophe will do to crop production.

socialism or barbarism my friend

Stop kidding yourself over the idea that the world is ready to stop using them, Greta. Developments that would actually make it practical to do so will never happen if we destroy ourselves on the way there.

In the meantime I hope you'll join me in advocating for the French strategy of increasing nuclear energy production capacity. It's 70% of their power generation.


Stop kidding yourself over the idea that the world is ready to stop using them, Greta. Developments that would actually make it practical to do so will never happen if we destroy ourselves on the way there.

In the meantime I hope you'll join me in advocating for the French strategy of increasing nuclear energy production capacity. It's 70% of their power generation.
im against nuclear too.

we are addicted. oil has been a progress trap. a little bit wouldve been fine, but we overdid it.

El Correcto

god is dead
If they are ramping up production that’s great.
Just type in Biden pledges to end fossil fuels. You understand why Americans don’t trust them when It comes to gas prices?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
im against nuclear too.

we are addicted. oil has been a progress trap. a little bit wouldve been fine, but we overdid it.

You just want me to have to beg comrade daddy Putin for oil like we're some European country when we've cut off our own production and I've become President don't you?

the tech is already there.

Easy to say. Not actually the case.


Well-Known Member
the tech is already there. we need to be more energy efficient too.
No it isn't or we'd be using it. You know what's being looked at seriously? Helium filled airships. That would be fascinating if it happens. Basically ocean liners in the sky but on a much smaller scale.


Staff member
If they are ramping up production that’s great.
Just type in Biden pledges to end fossil fuels. You understand why Americans don’t trust them when It comes to gas prices?
Do you remember when Trump and the republicans pledged to “repeal and replace” Obamacare?


Staff member
Are the oil companies reporting their projected outputs to Axios? If they're not, where is Axios getting the projections from? Someone with their own interests? Honestly curious. I'm just seeing a chart with a squiggly line drawn. Worried @rickyb might have put it together.
TikTok. Mrglobaltoo.