Maybe Fred doesn't know about this site, but I can assure you that his minions do, and if it had the same level of participation as the UPS side, he would definitely know about it. Since you obviously know nothing about the Express side, let me educate you.
"Standing-up" to FedEx publicly gets you fired, plain and simple. If there were a union it would be different, but there isn't, so being underground is the only way...for now. Any sort of disagreement with the company line places a target directly on your back, and management will actively work on harassing you right out the door. I've had lots of friends who "stood up" suddenly start getting drug-tested monthly on supposedly "random" tests. Others were followed on the road by managers looking for any little technicality that could lead to a letter in the employee's file. Some have been intentionally provoked by management by having their routes suddenly expanded or changed. And those would actively stood-up during the abortive Teamster drive back in 1996 are mostly long gone...chased right out the door or successfuly set-up to be fired. And if they want you gone, it will be arranged.
Stop commenting on that which you obviously know nothing about...the Express side. And keep on supporting Smith...see what it eventually gets you. Ever think about where you'll be if all of the court cases go against Smith? He'll drop you like a hot rock if need be, and you'll be left holding the bag. Think about it...