'Go Fund Me' Takes Down Fund Raising For Kyle Rittenhouse


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I used to be a dog person 100%. Still love them but have come to love my wife's cats. One thing that makes them great is you can leave them enough water and food and a clean litter box and be gone for two or three days if you need to. Had my two dogs for 16 and 13 years. That's three walks a day in all kinds of weather, and picking up a lot of fresh poop. And much higher vet bills. Nothing loves you like a dog, but it comes with a lot of cost and effort.

Like you we always had dogs, about 5 years ago a cat adopted us. She was dumped at our neighbors who happens to have feed feral cats, constant batch of at least 5 most of them do not live out the first year. She came up to us and started to purr and cry and was close to death, we had to take her in. After taking her to the Vet and finding out she was already fixed and declawed and apparently once was a house cat we kept her...She was a calico with beautiful coloring (tan and white). For the next 5 years she just stayed on the second floor content as could be, no bother except she got in to the habit of waking me at 3 am to be feed.

We also had 3 dogs on the first floor, two IGs and my son's Yorkie. Anyway she passed this year, the day she went she came down and wanted to be close to us, I put her to bed and did not hear her at 3 am wanting food. I knew the end was near and she also did. I walked into the room that we kept her in and was surprised that she lasted the night, the only movement she had was to wag her tail and lift her head barely. I picked her up and held her wrapped in a blanket and put her next to a heater for comfort she died just about 2 minutes of old age (estimate 16 years)..My respect for any life got upgraded....

About the same time we lost our male IG..he had a heart issue and was close to 12 years old. He was large for a Italian Greyhound about 20 pounds and the fastest thing on God's Green earth in his prime, you never seen a more athletic animal in your life. We put a lot of money into him at the end, but there was no cure so for months we gave him his meds and hoped for some miracle. The day he died he was outside sunning himself on the chaise, eating and drinking. That night we put him on the couch and said good night, when I petted him he just stared, it was like he also knew that it would be the last time. Found him in the morning on the floor in a squatting position, his heart just gave out. Sad time but it would of killed us to take him to the Vet for the last time as many of us have...


Well-Known Member
Like you we always had dogs, about 5 years ago a cat adopted us. She was dumped at our neighbors who happens to have feed feral cats, constant batch of at least 5 most of them do not live out the first year. She came up to us and started to purr and cry and was close to death, we had to take her in. After taking her to the Vet and finding out she was already fixed and declawed and apparently once was a house cat we kept her...She was a calico with beautiful coloring (tan and white). For the next 5 years she just stayed on the second floor content as could be, no bother except she got in to the habit of waking me at 3 am to be feed.

We also had 3 dogs on the first floor, two IGs and my son's Yorkie. Anyway she passed this year, the day she went she came down and wanted to be close to us, I put her to bed and did not hear her at 3 am wanting food. I knew the end was near and she also did. I walked into the room that we kept her in and was surprised that she lasted the night, the only movement she had was to wag her tail and lift her head barely. I picked her up and held her wrapped in a blanket and put her next to a heater for comfort she died just about 2 minutes of old age (estimate 16 years)..My respect for any life got upgraded....

About the same time we lost our male IG..he had a heart issue and was close to 12 years old. He was large for a Italian Greyhound about 20 pounds and the fastest thing on God's Green earth in his prime, you never seen a more athletic animal in your life. We put a lot of money into him at the end, but there was no cure so for months we gave him his meds and hoped for some miracle. The day he died he was outside sunning himself on the chaise, eating and drinking. That night we put him on the couch and said good night, when I petted him he just stared, it was like he also knew that it would be the last time. Found him in the morning on the floor in a squatting position, his heart just gave out. Sad time but it would of killed us to take him to the Vet for the last time as many of us have...
One of the best posts ever on this forum. I was single for many years but was never lonely because of my dogs. And though I said they can be a lot of work and expensive I wouldn't have changed a thing. The worst thing about owning dogs is they are gone too soon. Thinking I need to get at least one soon because at 58 I want to outlive them, not depend on someone else to take them in when I'm gone.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
that pictures racist. We all know blacks never get locked up. stop stereotyping

If Biden were President right now, the African Americans holding bats in that video would all be playing baseball instead of fighting the white devil's oppression by destroying cities.


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
If Biden were President right now, the African Americans holding bats in that video would all be playing baseball instead of fighting the white devil's oppression by destroying cities.

I know an imbecile who believes what you just posted, and even he has serious doubts about it.


Well-Known Member
I have a dream, today, that one day all of God's children, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, black men and white men, will be able to join hands and pin the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Kyle Rittenhouse.


Inordinately Right
I have a dream, today, that one day all of God's children, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, black men and white men, will be able to join hands and pin the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Kyle Rittenhouse.
Four more years.