Goin' Fishing!!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Well I'm off all next week on vacation, and I will be heading over to Garibaldi on the annual UPS Guys Fishing Trip. A bunch of us have rented a house for the whole week, several of the guys own boats, and we will be fishing in the ocean and in Tillamook Bay for chinook and coho salmon. There will be poker, and drinking (not for me) and farting and fishing and other manly-man stuff. Wish me luck and I hope to have some "fish stories" when I get back next Sunday.:happy-very:

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Well I'm off all next week on vacation, and I will be heading over to Garibaldi on the annual UPS Guys Fishing Trip. A bunch of us have rented a house for the whole week, several of the guys own boats, and we will be fishing in the ocean and in Tillamook Bay for chinook and coho salmon. There will be poker, and drinking (not for me) and farting and fishing and other manly-man stuff. Wish me luck and I hope to have some "fish stories" when I get back next Sunday.:happy-very:
Man I wish I could go with you.:dissapointed:


Well I'm off all next week on vacation, and I will be heading over to Garibaldi on the annual UPS Guys Fishing Trip. A bunch of us have rented a house for the whole week, several of the guys own boats, and we will be fishing in the ocean and in Tillamook Bay for chinook and coho salmon. There will be poker, and drinking (not for me) and farting and fishing and other manly-man stuff. Wish me luck and I hope to have some "fish stories" when I get back next Sunday.:happy-very:
I hope there will also be plenty of pictures of you Hooligan's. Be safe, sobe, and next time you plan this ask BigB if he'd like to go along.


Well-Known Member
I like to go with yas, but i already made my trip up the west coast. Bummer. I bet ur CenterTeam Mgmnt are gonna sigh relief that they have next off cuz ur not there bustin balls.
You gonna hav internets up there where ur at?
Pics please when u get back


Till I Collapse
Alaska, Fishing,Smokin Joe's Lodge,Soldotna 165.jpg

Good luck!

This is from Smokin Joe's Lodge...Its just a frye, had to throw it back...
Alaska, Fishing,Smokin Joe's Lodge,Soldotna 165.jpg


My Senior Picture
Had my annual fishing trip a couple weeks ago.
Already a distant memory.
Start looking forward to next year the day after we return.
Have fun, I'm sure you will.


Retired 23 years
Have a fun trip. I just can't imagine a guy fishing vaca without a couple of cocktails though. It wouldn't happen with the yahoos I hang around with. Are you the only one that don't drink? I hope not.
Had my annual fishing trip a couple weeks ago.
Already a distant memory.
Start looking forward to next year the day after we return.
Have fun, I'm sure you will.

Looks like you were attacked by one of those face huggers from the movie "Alien". Nice fish though.


Had my annual fishing trip a couple weeks ago.
Already a distant memory.
Start looking forward to next year the day after we return.
Have fun, I'm sure you will.
I thought you actually wore the pilot helmet to work everyday, go figure.:wink2:

Have a fun trip. I just can't imagine a guy fishing vaca without a couple of cocktails though. It wouldn't happen with the yahoos I hang around with. Are you the only one that don't drink? I hope not.
He's the designated driver, boat pilot, chef and whatever else a bunch of drunk guys can't do.

Man, that's a heavy beard. What does your 5 o'clock shadow look like?
That is his 5 O' Clock shadow.:surprised:

Looks like you were attacked by one of those face huggers from the movie "Alien". Nice fish though.
I think they were trying to do more than "hug" the face.:sick:


Hey Sober, we were on vacation the same week. :surprised: I was on the coast as well but not fishing and the water I was swimming in was one hell of alot warmer than what you were in. :happy-very: Not to mention quite a ways away as well.


Raw Member
Well I'm off all next week on vacation, and I will be heading over to Garibaldi on the annual UPS Guys Fishing Trip. A bunch of us have rented a house for the whole week, several of the guys own boats, and we will be fishing in the ocean and in Tillamook Bay for chinook and coho salmon. There will be poker, and drinking (not for me) and farting and fishing and other manly-man stuff. Wish me luck and I hope to have some "fish stories" when I get back next Sunday.:happy-very:
Sounds like you will need plenty of Astro Glide! :wink2: