First of all I am sorry if I come off whiney or short, haven't had any sleep at all and exausted every resource I know of available to me.I know you all are not keen on Lost package questions and I get that, I really do. But man I could really really really use some help. I have used this site for a long time never as a member, but I ship I decent amount of next day stuff , and in charge of all shipping for our company , so i have spent hours reading up on everything related. I shuttle between NC and Iowa and lived in a few states and had a lot of experiece using different UPS facilities. The local facillity in Hiawatha employs THE BEST people I have ever worked with at UPS or really most other carriers. These last few days while I have gotten nowhere, they have worked terribly hard and gone above and beyond the call of duty that said this is my ordeal.
I have a NDA shipped Thursday for delivery yesterday Friday 21st. Normally I could care less if packages are delayed or even lost . Crap happens, it's part of the risk of shipping. However, this specific package is definitely the most important item I have shipped. I have worked in Racing (nextel cup) on and off for 10 years and this item is a prototype for a client that MUST be to the team installed before the date of the test which is next week . Meaning when you rent a track like, Kansas oe Las Vegas you are paying thousands and tens of thousands an hour. BOTTOM LINE if I don't have this in my hands at the latest Monday morning I just lost the largest customer we have , pretty much terminating the company I work for single handedly. If that was not bad enough I had a flight scheduled Saturday to visit a VERY short family holiday trip. Can't leave without the package, so I obviously am spending Christmas with my exciting singular self. In addition the cost of the flight which is no big deal , heck I can even take spending Christmas alone. I however cannot be unemployed and ruin the connection I have taken years to make.
This NDA tracking is this with status saying IN TRANSIT with no UPDATED (projected) DELIVERY TIME
So it made it to World port at 3AM and then just STOPS> I understand weather but here is the problem . I have the phone numbers for several of the upstanding folks that work at the local destination hub and had been talking with them ever since I saw this seeing if there Air stuff came in OK and if it ALL came in AND if they were done with there sort.The Air stuf came on UPS Flight 504which landed at 9:56AM They said yes yes yes , yours is the only package that was not on this plane, no one else has called at least or complained and we got a ton of air stuff today. They said the would look through everything and call back./
So Im starting to get nervous as I have been through this before and kind of know what will happen. I spent 6 HOURS on the phone with 1800pickups and obviously you get told the typical brush of several times, so they can get down to the callers that are willing to waste a whole day on the phone. I certainly was not asking them to do anything they couldn't do, and was not rude or short. I simply wanted to know THE LAST PHYSICAL SCAN and have them check the secondary system for any other info. I explained my situation, didn't help at all but I tried . Last physical was at Louisville and no other info available. Finally after the second supervisor they said they called to Louisville and talked to someone physically there (this is all I was asking and praying they would do ) . They said Cathleen says it is NOT THERE, absolute and positively she checked and EVERYTHING going to Cedar Rapids/Hiawatha HAS BEEN SHIPPED and is en route on flight. I explained through you can see the FAA radar for every airport in the US and all scheduled flights for the day, and that was a problem since there were no UPS flights in Cedar Rapids for 9 hours and nothing was leaving Louisville until 5 AM Saturday morning, so it is kind of impossible. They didn't know , I didn't know I thanked her profusely and quit.
Hiawatha called back and said yeah we don't have anything here, but luckily we have a flight Saturday morning for our NDA Saturday stuff and I was told that ALL the packages for MONDAY will be put on this flight for Saturday morning. So I was elated. I though t heck it got missed scan or misplaced and didn't make the plane but for sure they had it set up to deliver monday right? Well sat morning comes around and I watch the UPS flight 504 land and containers unloaded , hiawatha calls and confirms ALL there Saturday and Monday stuff is in sort now and the minute he has it he will call me. Well I was excited, but I checked the tracking to see if there was a departure scan from louisville and I went flacid in a hurry, nothing NADA. I knew this was not good. Got back on the phone with 1800 pickups and after another 3 hours a three supervisors I got them to check secondary tracking and see if there were any physical scans anything I can do as far as paying someone money to get hands on it (im serious as a heart attack) can I drive to louisville and wait outside the gate and pay an employee a couple hundered to find out whats going on? Can I get hands on it so I can get it to UPS custom critical or Airborne DHL SPD service? Im willing toi pay $500 to get it here today. Yeah nothing. He did however find out THE VERY LAST PHYSICAL SCAN WAS 4am Satuday morning and he says it is in a bag inside an air container inside a trailer. Thinking quick I asked very nicely for the container number.
IT IS IN CONTAINER OZ_AY78022 and Victor TUS2176 told me this . So i guess it sat in Louisville hub all day Friday (which means it was there and not in transit as the Louisville lady was sure of) and then at 4AM they put it into a trailer. ? Dont know maybe it was there all along. I also know looking at the FAA scheduled flights to leave louisville on SUNDAY there are NONE to Cedar Rapids so its not coming that way. Well Hiawatha never called back, Victor from 1800pickups said that FOR SURE someone would call me today from louisville. That never happened, and I am obviously no longer flying Saturday but this just majorly escalated from crisis, to life changing event. What I can say is there are some darn good people working at UPS and i talked with some of them , but WHY IS THERE NOT A SYSTEM IN PLACE TO LOCATE A PACKAGE WHEN IT IS LOST, I have spent ten of thousand with both DHL and Fedex and the minute something like that happens I can speak with a person in Memphis who will physically walk out and find whomever scanned it last and get to the bottom of it. I know it is asking a lot and you cannot do that for everyone with a problem, but triage the problems. Some are more important I would think then others.( I am biased in that respect though)
I did not just post to rant I had a few specific questions and this is by far the mostr knowledgeble group to pose them to by far. I know you all are not keen on Lost package questions and I get that, I really do. But man I could really really really use some help. Im am basically begging, here are the questions I have and I do , from the bottom of my heart appreciate the help and the service you all provide. I have a great deal of respect for you all.
1. IS there any way at all, at all, to find out WHERE the air container OZ_AY78022 or OZ_AAY78022 is going and all that jazz?
2.Don't feeder truck tractor trailers usaully leave Sat for mondays stuff so they can be unloaded, or do some of the tractor trailers leave Sunday to courier the Monday packages in?
3. Wouldn't the projected delivery date change if there was an exception or delay due to weather to monday and or say EXCEPTION? There are no exceptions and no projected delivery date I know every time ive had this happen in the past it goes to exception and changes delivery date to Monday
4.Wouldnt there at least be a departure scan if it ever leaves Louisville even if it is not a physical but at least a derived
5. Can any of you in Louisville be bribed for a couple hundred dollars to get this in your hands? I am dead serious on this. In the past I have had Airborne DHL and even Fedex pull stuck misplaced screwed up packages from laying in a facility and then got it on next flight out service for a couple hundred dollars, Im so willing to this it is not funny , But unlike fedex and DHL no one at UPS will do this. Now that the truck is loaded may not be possible but I asked at 8amFriday morning and they still said no way.
6. Can I hire a UPS liason to help me get this fixed? If any oh you want to start an excellent business and have contacts with the right UPS people, I swear you could make millions. Place an ad , "need help with ups shipping? We know the right people in the right places and for a fee we will get answers. "
It certainly in no way is any UPS workers fault any of this happened, except maybe whomever forgot to put it in the damn plane at 956AM Friday morning since it had been sitting at Worldport since 3AM, I guess in that seven hours it was lost or something. But honestly you have some really good people that work for your company , but maybe there could be some improvement in implementing a tracing system more like fedex, longest I have waited for a fedex trace is 3 hours, UPS said it would take DAYS and delay my shipment even more. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart and appreciate you taking the time to read this. I am praying it gets resolved in time . And believe me if this was not my only hope left I would not bother you with my issues, I know you hear them all day and some dumb ones at that. Heck maybe mines dumb it is all relative I guess.
Thank you so much
I have a NDA shipped Thursday for delivery yesterday Friday 21st. Normally I could care less if packages are delayed or even lost . Crap happens, it's part of the risk of shipping. However, this specific package is definitely the most important item I have shipped. I have worked in Racing (nextel cup) on and off for 10 years and this item is a prototype for a client that MUST be to the team installed before the date of the test which is next week . Meaning when you rent a track like, Kansas oe Las Vegas you are paying thousands and tens of thousands an hour. BOTTOM LINE if I don't have this in my hands at the latest Monday morning I just lost the largest customer we have , pretty much terminating the company I work for single handedly. If that was not bad enough I had a flight scheduled Saturday to visit a VERY short family holiday trip. Can't leave without the package, so I obviously am spending Christmas with my exciting singular self. In addition the cost of the flight which is no big deal , heck I can even take spending Christmas alone. I however cannot be unemployed and ruin the connection I have taken years to make.
This NDA tracking is this with status saying IN TRANSIT with no UPDATED (projected) DELIVERY TIME
Louisville, KY, United States | 12/21/2012 | 9:00 A.M. | Adverse weather conditions. / Package will be delivered next business day. |
12/21/2012 | 3:02 A.M. | Arrival Scan | |
San Diego, CA, United States | 12/20/2012 | 7:32 P.M. | Departure Scan |
12/20/2012 | 6:55 P.M. | Arrival Scan | |
12/20/2012 | 6:44 P.M. | Departure Scan | |
12/20/2012 | 6:34 P.M. | Origin Scan | |
12/20/2012 | 6:21 P.M. | Pickup Scan | |
United States | 12/20/2012 | 8:49 P.M. | Order Processed: Ready for UPS |
So it made it to World port at 3AM and then just STOPS> I understand weather but here is the problem . I have the phone numbers for several of the upstanding folks that work at the local destination hub and had been talking with them ever since I saw this seeing if there Air stuff came in OK and if it ALL came in AND if they were done with there sort.The Air stuf came on UPS Flight 504which landed at 9:56AM They said yes yes yes , yours is the only package that was not on this plane, no one else has called at least or complained and we got a ton of air stuff today. They said the would look through everything and call back./
So Im starting to get nervous as I have been through this before and kind of know what will happen. I spent 6 HOURS on the phone with 1800pickups and obviously you get told the typical brush of several times, so they can get down to the callers that are willing to waste a whole day on the phone. I certainly was not asking them to do anything they couldn't do, and was not rude or short. I simply wanted to know THE LAST PHYSICAL SCAN and have them check the secondary system for any other info. I explained my situation, didn't help at all but I tried . Last physical was at Louisville and no other info available. Finally after the second supervisor they said they called to Louisville and talked to someone physically there (this is all I was asking and praying they would do ) . They said Cathleen says it is NOT THERE, absolute and positively she checked and EVERYTHING going to Cedar Rapids/Hiawatha HAS BEEN SHIPPED and is en route on flight. I explained through you can see the FAA radar for every airport in the US and all scheduled flights for the day, and that was a problem since there were no UPS flights in Cedar Rapids for 9 hours and nothing was leaving Louisville until 5 AM Saturday morning, so it is kind of impossible. They didn't know , I didn't know I thanked her profusely and quit.
Hiawatha called back and said yeah we don't have anything here, but luckily we have a flight Saturday morning for our NDA Saturday stuff and I was told that ALL the packages for MONDAY will be put on this flight for Saturday morning. So I was elated. I though t heck it got missed scan or misplaced and didn't make the plane but for sure they had it set up to deliver monday right? Well sat morning comes around and I watch the UPS flight 504 land and containers unloaded , hiawatha calls and confirms ALL there Saturday and Monday stuff is in sort now and the minute he has it he will call me. Well I was excited, but I checked the tracking to see if there was a departure scan from louisville and I went flacid in a hurry, nothing NADA. I knew this was not good. Got back on the phone with 1800 pickups and after another 3 hours a three supervisors I got them to check secondary tracking and see if there were any physical scans anything I can do as far as paying someone money to get hands on it (im serious as a heart attack) can I drive to louisville and wait outside the gate and pay an employee a couple hundered to find out whats going on? Can I get hands on it so I can get it to UPS custom critical or Airborne DHL SPD service? Im willing toi pay $500 to get it here today. Yeah nothing. He did however find out THE VERY LAST PHYSICAL SCAN WAS 4am Satuday morning and he says it is in a bag inside an air container inside a trailer. Thinking quick I asked very nicely for the container number.
IT IS IN CONTAINER OZ_AY78022 and Victor TUS2176 told me this . So i guess it sat in Louisville hub all day Friday (which means it was there and not in transit as the Louisville lady was sure of) and then at 4AM they put it into a trailer. ? Dont know maybe it was there all along. I also know looking at the FAA scheduled flights to leave louisville on SUNDAY there are NONE to Cedar Rapids so its not coming that way. Well Hiawatha never called back, Victor from 1800pickups said that FOR SURE someone would call me today from louisville. That never happened, and I am obviously no longer flying Saturday but this just majorly escalated from crisis, to life changing event. What I can say is there are some darn good people working at UPS and i talked with some of them , but WHY IS THERE NOT A SYSTEM IN PLACE TO LOCATE A PACKAGE WHEN IT IS LOST, I have spent ten of thousand with both DHL and Fedex and the minute something like that happens I can speak with a person in Memphis who will physically walk out and find whomever scanned it last and get to the bottom of it. I know it is asking a lot and you cannot do that for everyone with a problem, but triage the problems. Some are more important I would think then others.( I am biased in that respect though)
I did not just post to rant I had a few specific questions and this is by far the mostr knowledgeble group to pose them to by far. I know you all are not keen on Lost package questions and I get that, I really do. But man I could really really really use some help. Im am basically begging, here are the questions I have and I do , from the bottom of my heart appreciate the help and the service you all provide. I have a great deal of respect for you all.
1. IS there any way at all, at all, to find out WHERE the air container OZ_AY78022 or OZ_AAY78022 is going and all that jazz?
2.Don't feeder truck tractor trailers usaully leave Sat for mondays stuff so they can be unloaded, or do some of the tractor trailers leave Sunday to courier the Monday packages in?
3. Wouldn't the projected delivery date change if there was an exception or delay due to weather to monday and or say EXCEPTION? There are no exceptions and no projected delivery date I know every time ive had this happen in the past it goes to exception and changes delivery date to Monday
4.Wouldnt there at least be a departure scan if it ever leaves Louisville even if it is not a physical but at least a derived
5. Can any of you in Louisville be bribed for a couple hundred dollars to get this in your hands? I am dead serious on this. In the past I have had Airborne DHL and even Fedex pull stuck misplaced screwed up packages from laying in a facility and then got it on next flight out service for a couple hundred dollars, Im so willing to this it is not funny , But unlike fedex and DHL no one at UPS will do this. Now that the truck is loaded may not be possible but I asked at 8amFriday morning and they still said no way.
6. Can I hire a UPS liason to help me get this fixed? If any oh you want to start an excellent business and have contacts with the right UPS people, I swear you could make millions. Place an ad , "need help with ups shipping? We know the right people in the right places and for a fee we will get answers. "
It certainly in no way is any UPS workers fault any of this happened, except maybe whomever forgot to put it in the damn plane at 956AM Friday morning since it had been sitting at Worldport since 3AM, I guess in that seven hours it was lost or something. But honestly you have some really good people that work for your company , but maybe there could be some improvement in implementing a tracing system more like fedex, longest I have waited for a fedex trace is 3 hours, UPS said it would take DAYS and delay my shipment even more. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart and appreciate you taking the time to read this. I am praying it gets resolved in time . And believe me if this was not my only hope left I would not bother you with my issues, I know you hear them all day and some dumb ones at that. Heck maybe mines dumb it is all relative I guess.
Thank you so much