Gravel Dust

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
The cigarettes will kill you before the gravel dust does.

Get one of these.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Close the doors and turn up the A/C?
I do just that, but that dust always finds it's way thru the rear rollup door... shrugs.

I sweep it out daily during my post trip inspection when I park my work vehicle in the driveway


Well-Known Member
What should I do? When I write it up the mechanics laugh at me.

I don’t inhale I just like the taste, gravel dust not so much, it tastes like chalk.

I’ve tried almost everything, backwards, forwards, back door and bulkhead both open, just one open. I even sprayed out the back of my truck in wash tunnel last week, one week later you can’t even tell.

My hat and uniform look like I’m wearing desert camo.

Really wanna make them think. Hand them a Article 18 Sec 1 grievance. Then tell them they will have to take 20 stops off a day so that you can clean out your truck.
Screenshot_20190809-151242_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

The look on their face a lone will be worth it. :)