Grievance “witness” question


Well-Known Member
You do not get to decide to take the case to panel, the BA does. If you're off just by 1 minute on you're hundreds of grievances your case could be thrown out. The company can pull out video footage if its gets that far. If your grievance case gets thrown out this will set precedence for future grievance hearings and will negatively impact the union. The union will not allow the case to go to panel. I know this because I have tried....
The company doesn't want it to go to panel, either. And my BA always says that if the company wants to contest a supervisors working grievance based on video evidence they're free to do long as they pull the footage on the entire building so everyone can see just how much their supervisors work.

And I don't know about that whole "1 minute off" thing you said...that sounds patently ridiculous. It's impossible to time them exactly unless you're busy NOT working.


Well-Known Member
The company doesn't want it to go to panel, either. And my BA always says that if the company wants to contest a supervisors working grievance based on video evidence they're free to do long as they pull the footage on the entire building so everyone can see just how much their supervisors work.

And I don't know about that whole "1 minute off" thing you said...that sounds patently ridiculous. It's impossible to time them exactly unless you're busy NOT working.

The time that you wrote them down is the time you expect to be paid for. If they find out your time is incorrect your integrity becomes an issue.

As far as pulling footage on the entire building why would that be allowed. The case is about YOUR grievances and YOUR supervisors not others that are not involved in your case.

In my experience the only way to get paid 100% on a large amount of grievances is to have multiple witnesses sign off on them and for it to be very detailed.

I'm just sharing my experience that I spent many hours with labor discussing supervisors working. I hope I'm wrong on this and that you're local works better than mine.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, are you a steward? At any rate, my business agent has made tours of the building and seen the issue with his own eyes, and basically tells us they will pay them out 100%. I haven't seen it happen otherwise. My grievances are very detailed, too. Like, excessively detailed. They don't argue with me on these grievances. But I'd like to see them try. They know it's an issue themselves. Why argue it?


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you will be paid 100% This is the main reason labor refuses to pay me in full:

The Employer shall make every reasonable effort to maintain a sufficient workforce to staff its operations with bargaining unit employees.

Labor argues that they make every reasonable effort i.e double shifting, weekends, bonuses, ect. I of course dismiss this because it happens consistently throughout the year for many years.

Labor will also argue that If you say a supervisor worked for say 3 hours, they will have a statement from the supervisor saying they only worked 10 minutes. How do we know if you're telling the truth?


Well-Known Member
I shoot back against the "every reasonable effort" argument with "Then why are there drivers working off the clock on a daily basis who aren't being put on the clock?" That's just part of it. Like, literally 10% of my argument. I don't want to reveal all my arguments on a public forum because you never know who is reading. I'm going to be ready if they try to go to panel with it, and I won't allow them the chance to prepare beforehand.

I don't know, maybe the preload manager will get chewed for paying out so many grievances and be told to fight them. But it'll be pointless, we'll deadlock and the BA will not accept any excuse because he's seen firsthand how much contempt management in my building has for the contract.