

Inordinately Right
Thought all you conservatives were for smaller government and states rights. Does this only apply when it is convenient for you?
You're talking to the same guy who pretends to be for the second amendment, and then suggests the government take away the rights of religions and political affiliations he doesn't like. @realbrown1 is a hypocrite that's all there is to it.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Spent the first two minutes talking about himself, yawn.
He is a contributor for the NRA and is black. HE is relevant to the topic and the events of late. And is OBVIOUSLY more open to learning the truth about things through logic rather than being blinded by emotions like you and the rest of the liberals. And that is part of the point he's making.


Staff member
I'll talk about it.

Right after the Federal government allows for a national concealed carry permit for law abiding citizens.

You see, I am more worried about not being able to protect myself and my family from criminals, than I am from the mentally ill.

I believe the crime stats will back me up on that.
That's a silly position to take since we don't know how many of the mentally ill are running around "armed to the teeth". I'd venture to guess some of our resident commenters would get a long hard loom into their psycbe.


Engorged Member
He is a contributor for the NRA and is black. HE is relevant to the topic and the events of late. And is OBVIOUSLY more open to learning the truth about things through logic rather than being blinded by emotions like you and the rest of the liberals. And that is part of the point he's making.

You would never cite a source that didn't back-up your stilted point of view. A black contributor to the NRA is kind of like finding a dodo bird. You OBVIOUSLY selected his story because it fits your usual narrative.

I also feel that you've become a liberal.


Engorged Member
That's a silly position to take since we don't know how many of the mentally ill are running around "armed to the teeth". I'd venture to guess some of our resident commenters would get a long hard loom into their psycbe.

Like, maybe OUT? I read his spew, and then just know he has an arsenal. Probably a bomb shelter too, filled with gold and Glenn beck dehydrated food. You know, for when the "coloreds" and Commies attack.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
He wasn't a suspect until the police officer saw that he was driving while black.
The Minneapolis Star Tribune is confirming the already proposed statement that he was a permit holder.

So what are your thoughts on a valid permit holder being shot by police because he was carrying.... come on mr. 2nd amendment, surely that upsets you.
In Minnesota, concealed carry permits are confidential.

That information has not been released by the state.

And even if he was, if he was a criminal he got what he deserved.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
In Minnesota, concealed carry permits are confidential.

That information has not been released by the state.

And even if he was, if he was a criminal he got what he deserved.
And if he was a law abiding Christian citizen with a burnt out tail light bulb, did he still get what he deserved? Except he was was black with a legal permit to carry a canceled weapon.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
The lawmakers in California care. They are obsessed with passing laws to make guns "safer" by banning cosmetic features so that they wont look so scary.
Most of these cosmetic features you can buy at any Walmart store. Walmart will never allow that to happen and cut into their profit margins. Walmart is the biggest seller of assault style weapons.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
And if he was a law abiding Christian citizen with a burnt out tail light bulb, did he still get what he deserved? Except he was was black with a legal permit to carry a canceled weapon.
The police officer spotted this but and called it in.

He said he was going to stop him.

The tail light was just a ploy to get a better look.

Don't believe everything you hear from the media.

An example: did you know Michael Brown was killed last year?


Did you know 126 cops were killed in the line of duty last year?

Can you name 1 of those cops without looking it up?


CNN, MSNBC and the liberal media are brainwashing you.

It's time you wake up and check out other sources of news.