Gym b4 or after work?


Staff member
Before work. I've tried it both ways and getting my workout done first thing in the morning works best for me.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I admire anyone that thinks of doing it at either time.
And you should because your heart is used to physical, which means you need to do MORE to keep it stronger.
I just cant.


counting the months
I recently began a workout program, and found working out first thing after waking up works well for me. I have an early morning start time of 3am, and the gym is all mine at 1am.


A question for those that go to the gym and workout.

Do you workout in the morning or night?

My exercise routine:

Run 2-4 miles before work, around 12-12:30am. 4 mornings a week.

After work I do weights, yoga and martial arts. Every day.

I recently began a workout program, and found working out first thing after waking up works well for me. I have an early morning start time of 3am, and the gym is all mine at 1am.


Retired 23 years
I go during regular work hours (9-5). Less crowded then. An added bonus is that is when all the good looking stay at home ladies work out while their husbands slave away at work.


Box Monkey
During peak I don't go at all. the rest of the time I go 4 days a week AFTER work to the gym. and will usually be there 60-90 minutes. Any more is unneccesary. During the warmer months I usually try and run a few days a week before work as well and then still go the gym after work also to lift.


Well-Known Member
i need to start going to the gym again. been ft driver for going on 6yrs and when i started i was 165-170 and eating whatever i wanted and now im up in the 190's. i guess my body got used to the work and im not burning off as much as i used to. the hardest part is getting back into the routine of going to the gym.

you guys that do go in the morning, do you find that you hit a wall/no energy half way through the day?


Staff member
i need to start going to the gym again. been ft driver for going on 6yrs and when i started i was 165-170 and eating whatever i wanted and now im up in the 190's. i guess my body got used to the work and im not burning off as much as i used to. the hardest part is getting back into the routine of going to the gym.

you guys that do go in the morning, do you find that you hit a wall/no energy half way through the day?
Nope, as long as I'm eating right and getting enough sleep I'm fine.


Raw Member
i need to start going to the gym again. been ft driver for going on 6yrs and when i started i was 165-170 and eating whatever i wanted and now im up in the 190's. i guess my body got used to the work and im not burning off as much as i used to. the hardest part is getting back into the routine of going to the gym.

you guys that do go in the morning, do you find that you hit a wall/no energy half way through the day?
Not at all, way more energy during work after going to the gym!


Box Monkey
Yeah, I agree wiht Raw. When I run in the morning before work I feel so good the rest of the day and torqued and ready to go. All day long.


Well-Known Member
A question for those that go to the gym and workout.

Do you workout in the morning or night?


Obvious answer. Morning. We start so late it leaves plenty of time in the morning to work out. When you get off work between 6-8 that last thing you want to do is go out.


i need to start going to the gym again. been ft driver for going on 6yrs and when i started i was 165-170 and eating whatever i wanted and now im up in the 190's. i guess my body got used to the work and im not burning off as much as i used to. the hardest part is getting back into the routine of going to the gym.

you guys that do go in the morning, do you find that you hit a wall/no energy half way through the day?

Not saying "you", but America in general has been tuned into thinking that you need a 5 hour energy, or red bull, or whatever crap to avoid the brick wall of no energy in the middle of the day (or night).

We never hear the truth, that if someone were to only exercise 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes they'd not need those awful energy drinks and whatever other fad people are killing themselves with, in place of exercise.