Has CHSP Outlived its Usefulness ?


Well-Known Member
You get paid by the hour brother. Quickest way to get management to give a damn about something is make it cost them.

Personally I would slowly and methodically scan every single package and load them perfectly. Soon that stop will become a issue. Whether it be air, over allowed, stop reduction or 9.5 at some point management is going to step in and tell the customer. "Yeah this isn't happening anymore!"
Now accepting applications at Rentadawg Parcel Service, where customers come last.


Well-Known Member
I was a part of a committee for some time and it went well until the union pulled all its members....I would think safety would be be a union concern but realistically it was used for political reasons.....The stewards and ba should be on the committee.....In our case the dm, manager, sups and lm rep were on it and attended every meeting......The company was serious but the union was not....Its a good system but it tends to complicate a simple situation and procedure...I would also like to see some recognition for safety achievements like when c.o.h drivers were recognized in the past.....The responsibility is shared between the union and the company. I am not sure the percentage of buildings/operations have or do not have an active c.h.s.p safety committee....Having one is a contractual agreement ....
You are delusional if you believe UPS is concerned with safety. Or should I say "serious" about it? It's all about image- the appearance of safety. Deep down, you know this is true...


Well-Known Member
Your safety committee must have been a real smilet show.... for the Local to do that.

"In the event that a Local Union desires to cease participation in the safety committees, prior approval must be authorized by the Union Co-Chair of the Teamsters United Parcel Service National Negotiating Committee who shall also inform the Employer’s President of Labor Relations of the request."

This is the main reason why:

"The Local Union shall approve the bargaining unit members who serve on these Committees."

We don't want a bunch of company whipped men/women serving on the committee just to get a day off.

Oh yeah....

"Both parties recognize and reaffirm the importance of maintaining properly functioning Safety and Health Committees and shall make a good faith effort to work out any differences prior to requesting authorization to cease participation."

I think it's readily apparent.... what really happened.

In all actuality, it ends up being just what you mentioned. Company friendly employees end up on the committee and basically use it as a means to get favors from management. Sad but true. Safety is a fairy tale at UPS. Well- until something bad happens then they step in and pretend...


Well-Known Member
to be clear...carol is responsible to the stock holders while the teamsters are responsible to its members.....there are lines upon lines of people wanting to be teamsters and work at ups....simple....


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
to be clear...carol is responsible to the stock holders while the teamsters are responsible to its members.....there are lines upon lines of people wanting to be teamsters and work at ups....simple....

.....”there are lines upon lines of (corporate lobbyists) wanting to be (union free) and funding special interest groups 💵 and politicians to keep it that way.

Case in point: Amazon and Fed ex...

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I was offered a Safety Co-Chair.....I turned it down. Don't get me wrong.....I'm PASSIONATE about safety.

The concept of the safety committee was destroyed when the Union got involved.....stewards took over the meetings and any useful, positive possibilities were swept away. It was in fact, now a fried chicken event.

The paperwork aspect became a jobs program for the stewards to get that 65th hour. No? You better believe it.

And they became(the stewards) the biggest "company men" ever seen. I've never seen such boot licking CS's. Always in the office.....chatting it up. Safety became the last topic.

See, safety has a responsibility aspect.....accountability. When an employee kills another employee or a civilian, customer...the union acts surprised. And deflects. And many times this death could have easily been avoided....but by the collusion of the company and the union....nothing is enforced or acted upon. Yes, enforced and steps taken for future prevention.

The very actions of the union(policy) are directly responsible for the deaths of it's members. As is the Company.

Now, how is this possible? Would be happy to discuss it.


Got the T-Shirt
I was offered a Safety Co-Chair.....I turned it down. Don't get me wrong.....I'm PASSIONATE about safety.

The concept of the safety committee was destroyed when the Union got involved.....stewards took over the meetings and any useful, positive possibilities were swept away. It was in fact, now a fried chicken event.

The paperwork aspect became a jobs program for the stewards to get that 65th hour. No? You better believe it.

And they became(the stewards) the biggest "company men" ever seen. I've never seen such boot licking CS's. Always in the office.....chatting it up. Safety became the last topic.

See, safety has a responsibility aspect.....accountability. When an employee kills another employee or a civilian, customer...the union acts surprised. And deflects. And many times this death could have easily been avoided....but by the collusion of the company and the union....nothing is enforced or acted upon. Yes, enforced and steps taken for future prevention.

The very actions of the union(policy) are directly responsible for the deaths of it's members. As is the Company.

Now, how is this possible? Would be happy to discuss it.

I might never fly again.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I might never fly again.

Maybe quit the union too......we'd all be much, much better off. Less the obtuse the better. Our safety record will always be abysmal with the union and company leadership. Simply idiotic.

BTW, an interesting comment as I have hundreds and hundreds of hours of safe flying.

I have thousands and thousands of injury free hours of UPS work(40 years). Matter of fact....I've NEVER had a lost time OJI. Dozens of years of accident free driving.....(30 years).

Let me show you and tens of thousands of others HOW.

Safety.....a deadly serious subject.