Hearing Aids


That’s Craptacular
Quite unbelievable that he can't get a woman with those credentials.
Lol suuuure.....every woman's dream...being critiqued 24/7. Why are you not barefoot? Why are you not in the kitchen making me a sandwich? That's too much mustard...etc etc etc...lol. That man could find fault in a wet dream....


Active Member
Was their determination of coverage the initial response to you? My point being that there are several things that our insurance initially determined my son was not eligible for or at lesser coverage. My wife , with the aid of our doctors,took the appeal to the appropriate level and got his needs re-evaluated and covered at the required amount.

They said they would only cover $2000.00 max. We have an appointment with his doctor next month. We will have the doctor write a letter and explain why the HA are medically necessary. We will appeal their objection. Wouldn't this be covered under major medical? Thank you.
They said they would only cover $2000.00 max. We have an appointment with his doctor next month. We will have the doctor write a letter and explain why the HA are medically necessary. We will appeal their objection. Wouldn't this be covered under major medical? Thank you.

My sons needs were appealed and retroactively approved due to his disability. The big thing is to get specialists,etc, to file reports as to the reasoning behind them and not give up in standing your ground.


nowhere special
Teamcare hearing aid: