Home security camera catches FedEx deliveryman throwing package 20 feet onto porch


Well-Known Member
We have a customer at my station. You honk and throw the envelope to the dog and he brings it inside. I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. I had a customer who lived in the worst neighborhood in town. Every other house was burned down and he wanted me to leave his checks right in the open. I usually do as the customers ask but type it into the comments when I release it.


Well-Known Member
We have a customer at my station. You honk and throw the envelope to the dog and he brings it inside. I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. I had a customer who lived in the worst neighborhood in town. Every other house was burned down and he wanted me to leave his checks right in the open. I usually do as the customers ask but type it into the comments when I release it.
That's a cool dog. I would like to see it. I'm afraid if I did I might throw other peoples letters to see him do it again.


That’s Craptacular
Way to get someone fired. Hope this guy doesn't retaliate.

But of course, she didn't think about that, right.
People with too much time on their hands..no different than the ones who call and complain...oh the ups guy turned around at the dead end and his tires touched a half inch of my driveway.....


Well-Known Member
Or he's driving too fast past my kids playing in the street.

There was a concern on my center manager's desk for a driver speeding through a residential area. The caller said it was the second time in the same area. I will be curious to see if Telematics supports the claim.

I was driving well below the speed limit through a different residential section and some guy who was out shoveling gave me the "slow down" signal.

Mr. 7

The monkey on the left.
A couple weeks ago I just took off from a del. and made a right turn onto a street. (Resi. area) I'm only doing 15 in a 25 and some lady yells "Slow down"! It actually startled me b'c she was on the left side of the road where my sliding door was open.

Too bad she didn't realize I was 10 below the limit. Just b'c the truck is loud doesn't mean I'm driving fast.


nowhere special
A couple weeks ago I just took off from a del. and made a right turn onto a street. (Resi. area) I'm only doing 15 in a 25 and some lady yells "Slow down"! It actually startled me b'c she was on the left side of the road where my sliding door was open.

Too bad she didn't realize I was 10 below the limit. Just b'c the truck is loud doesn't mean I'm driving fast.

I had a customer calling in a complaint saying I was doing 45 on a 15 mph residential street. First off, the speed limit was 25 there, and secondly it was a short street with a court at the end and I was driving an old POS 800 that literally could not get up to more than 25 in that distance. She heard the loud truck and her kids were playing in the street (but I never came close to hitting them). So instead of yelling at her kids to get out of the street she called in a complaint.


People with too much time on their hands..no different than the ones who call and complain...oh the ups guy turned around at the dead end and his tires touched a half inch of my driveway.....
I love how people think they own up to the street.

El Morado Diablo

Well-Known Member
I had a customer calling in a complaint saying I was doing 45 on a 15 mph residential street. First off, the speed limit was 25 there, and secondly it was a short street with a court at the end and I was driving an old POS 800 that literally could not get up to more than 25 in that distance. She heard the loud truck and her kids were playing in the street (but I never came close to hitting them). So instead of yelling at her kids to get out of the street she called in a complaint.

One of my co-workers got a complaint like this some years ago. My manager asked me what I thought about it since I had previously done deliveries in that area on a regular basis. I told him that the 700 would tip over before someone could ever break the speed limit. It's physically impossible given the speed, distance and turning radius. I agree with the previous posters. People hear the engine and assume the vehicle is going faster than it really is.


Retired 23 years
At my old center they would give you an atta-boy award (after they had told the customer they would have a talk with you). Not really --but I will say I can't remember ever hearing the phrase "slow down" uttered at anytime while employed at UPS.