Homeland Security warning in regards to UPS uniforms


Well-Known Member
Forgive me if someone else posted this already just thought i would share. Hard to say if this email was originally generated by Homeland Security but weird non the less.


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PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
The Peak after the Oklahoma City bombing we had an Air driver pull up in front of our Federal building downtown for a delivery driving a rental. The security guys were all over him. Even today on Saturdays I know better to not park in front of the Federal building to sheet a stop as closed.


Well-Known Member
Seasonal driver helpers are required to sign a form stating that they have to turn in their uniforms or they will have their last check held until the uniforms are returned. This is done to keep the uniforms out of circulation as it is a real issue when bad people wearing UPS uniforms gain access to business's with the intent to rob. This really does happen and more often than you think.

Peppermint Patty

Cardboard Pusher
My on road sup and I got pulled over one time a few christmas' back. We were delivering in a huge apartment complex and a resident called the cips on us thinking we were stealing from houses. We were in a huge penske truck.