How do you deal with other employees talking :censored: to you about your work?


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would run around telling everyone you, "go to the gym regularly and can DL 405 lbs several reps."

The less your co workers know about you the better off you will me.

Not everyone that smiles at you is your friend.


Well-Known Member
....and BTW,
the first time you hurt a shoulder, back, hip, knee or anything else be prepared to hear.....
"oh....that must have happened while you were doing 405 DL's....several reps"

Keep your mouth shut.
Hope this helps.


The other day someone placed a 120+ pound irreg on the belt which came hurtling down the charge towards me at high speeds. I dodged it and let it and fall on the grating and since it was too massive to fit down the bottom slide, I pseudo deadlifted it down the stairs into the irreg area.

This irreverent old black woman who is known in the hub for ‘taking no ****’ then exclaims ‘ Them *s are expensive don’t throw them like that!’ . I felt like saying ‘ well you try to lift it then!’ but kind of just shook my head and walked away. How do you handle being criticized by other employees?

Tell her to friend*off and MYOB
Unless she wants to throw down right on the belt
That’ll teach her


Lunch is the best part of the day
I don’t think I was super rude to her. She’s not my supervisor and I don’t owe her an explanation.

>a whole 120#, that's all it takes to expose you?

Not to brag, but I go the gym regularly and deadlift and can DL 405 for a couple reps, and lifting an awkward 120 + furniture set is not easy.
Even the biggest gym rats that walk around with the blender bottles don't lift irregular without help. If its not a controlled lift they wont touch it.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Even the biggest gym rats that walk around with the blender bottles don't lift irregular without help. If its not a controlled lift they wont touch it.

If its a controlled weight, I'll flip it to the destination.

But as i tell everyone...

I lift for me, not the company.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
When I was a pickoff, I had a feeder driver who thought I spat on him. He came up my ladder and very colorfully threatened my life if I did it again. I turned the belt off, turned around, and gave him a piece of my mind. By the time it was all said and done, my part timer had to separate us and both of our full time sups had to get involved. You’re not going to talk to me like that, I don’t care who you are.

That being said, that is the wrong way to handle it. What you did was right. Just ignore them and keep doing your job.


All Trash No Trailer
I worked Preload from 1985 until I went fulltime in 1989 and I have to admit I get a really big laugh at how sensitive the new hires are. We verbally abused each other from the start of the shift until the end ,it was fierce!! Break time was often a battle royal with the part time supe and all of the preload watching whomever had a problem with each other settle it in the parking lot ( the supe would tell us it couldn't last more than 10 minutes lol) then we'd go back to work and whoever lost the fight got ragged the rest of the shift.
The center manager knew about it,his view was it was fine as long as we didnt get blood on the packages .Different Times!!


Well-Known Member
Old woman, regardless of color, how did your parents teach you to treat females and the elderly.

I bet when your with your buddies you are a tuff guy, you don't sound so rugged here. You get, got paid to do your job, it looks like you will be the same "old woman" someday.

a whole 120#, that's all it takes to expose you?
When females or the elderly talk smack about how you are lifting stuff, you put them in their place.


Well-Known Member
Don’t interact with the employee. Ignore. You may thing you’re not overstepping but the lady might file harassment report so it’s best just keep to yourself and report to supervisor if you feel she’s harassing you.
Don’t let stuff get like that. If supervisor says it would to you get help next time and work safe which means usually work slower and it’ll be a long time before they make that mistake again.