How far do you travel...

Rack em

Made the Podium
We are lucky to get one union meeting a year here. Our BA covers a large area so we hardly ever see him.

But when we do have meetings it's about a 10 minute drive.


Well-Known Member
We are lucky to get one union meeting a year here. Our BA covers a large area so we hardly ever see him.

But when we do have meetings it's about a 10 minute drive.

Your union hall doesn't have a meeting once a month? It might be far away but I'm sure they have one.


Retired 23 years
I only attended 2 Union meetings in 30 years. Our Local's monthly meeting was at 4:30 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month (something like that). The chance of being able to attend one of those meeting was slim and none for the outstate guys. It was a 2 and a half hour drive one way. The two I did attend were special meetings held on a Saturday. On the other hand our Union Reps in Minneapolis visited us only at election time or when they were on a DRIVE campaign. I guess what I'm saying is if it wasn't for having good Union Stewards at work over the years we would have been screwed.


KTM rider
I only attended 2 Union meetings in 30 years. Our Local's monthly meeting was at 4:30 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month (something like that). The chance of being able to attend one of those meeting was slim and none for the outstate guys. It was a 2 and a half hour drive one way. The two I did attend were special meetings held on a Saturday. On the other hand our Union Reps in Minneapolis visited us only at election time or when they were on a DRIVE campaign. I guess what I'm saying is if it wasn't for having good Union Stewards at work over the years we would have been screwed.

They have been getting better about having membership meetings here. Usually twice a year about a mile from the center, which is 1 hour from Rod's old center. It is 1.5 hours for me to get to the monthly membership meeting. I am not ever done early enough to attend that meeting.