How to bump lower seniority drivers.

Netsua 3:16

What’s the deal with different centers handling cover drivers so differently? You would think that there’s a universal UPS standard. Some places do weekly bids, some places like mine are daily free for alls. What gives? Is that a center manager decision?


Well-Known Member
You can’t bump a bid driver. Here if you are a cover driver, which means you don’t have a bid route, you can bump another cover driver, off the route they are on for the day. You can’t bump a bid driver off their bid route. Now the thing with bumping is, sometimes they try to push back on you. Oh no you can’t bump him or her because they don’t know any other routes, or if you bump them, they don’t know the route you are supposed to do. Nope, doesnt work like that. Doesn’t matter if they don’t know it. Do not let them use route knowledge as an excuse. Does not matter. So and so better learn more routes then. It’s not your problem. You have more seniority and it’s your right to bump them off the route they are covering for the day. Be forceful About it. Do not roll over and play dead. Here every Friday you can also request to cover a route that is open for the following week. Those are also dispatched in seniority order. Again, they can try to push back.
The problem with this is, our union allows ups to not let us bump


Well-Known Member
Here in SW Florida, a bid driver can only bump if his route is not in, and he can not bump another bid driver off their route. You can only bump a lower seniority cover driver. Cover drivers can bump any lower seniority cover driver.

Bumps also can only be done earlier than 15 minutes before start time.

G.V. Rush

All Encompassing Member
I see in various different areas of the country that higher seniority drivers bump lower seniority drivers, meaning they can say I’m running this route today. I hear, and see this, but is there anywhere in the contract that states you’re able to do this daily to a driver with less seniority? I’m in the Central. We have 85 RPCD drivers in our center and about 50-60 have their own routes. The rest are junk routes. I’m in the mid range seniority wise. The drivers with two years or less know like two routes and 22.4’s are running full routes I’d rather do myself. Can I bump anyone/everyone beneath me, if so can you provide something in the contract to back it up. Sick of running the * routes while new drivers and 22.4’s get easy routes.
I believe you have to sniff white powder off your sup’s ass. Then you can bump whoever Fook you want


KTM rider
I don't know if you are in the Central Region or not, but that wouldn't work in the Central Region. And, if this is done at your center, it's incorrect. You can't just bump anyone below you. If they are part of the top 90% of drivers, they are guaranteed their route assigned to them by management. You can only bump the least senior person.

Yes, seniority does rule, but not for picking routes. It rules to guarantee you work, not the luxury of picking your own route, with the exception of using the Weekly Bid sheet. The problem isn't with the drivers, it a weak supervisor or management that doesn't exercise this right. It would stop a lot of "drama" from the cover drivers if Management knew the rules.
I am in Central. Our supervisors do not do a very good job of bidding work the week before. Mondays are frequently a cluster of non-bid drivers figuring out what route they want. Supes have been doing it poorly for so long, a good case can be made for a grievance based on past practice.

I thought that the language that you are referring was for bid route drivers, when their bid route is removed.


Well-Known Member
We don’t do weekly bids for covers’s a daily free for all. Now if you know a guy is going on vacation with a route that you like to run, you can absolutely put in a request to run it for that whole week.
But yeah, every morning at my center is like “All My Children,” cover guys showing up an hour early and doing everything they can to maneuver themselves onto an easier route...and run back and forth from the computer to the board, a nervous wreck, like a chicken it’s head cut off. Whining and crying boo friggity hoo I don’t know this area that well WAHHHHH
you basically described my old center perfectly. 10 minutes before start time everyone is scrambling all over the place trying to get "free'd" up to go home or trying to get the sups to move work and air wherever. so glad i left there


Well-Known Member
I vet tried bumping me when I was new about 5 minutes before we left. I told him to pound sound. Everyone looked at like I knocked out the biggest dude in the prison yard. I’ve been running :censored2: ever since.


Well-Known Member
There is precedent set in my local as far as guys winning grievances for refusal to honor seniority “in all aspects of the business” or whatever the hell that verbiage is. So here, if you’re a cover and want to swap with a lower seniority cover, if you stick to your guns, there’s nothing they can do, other than get mad



Well-Known Member
There is precedent set in my local as far as guys winning grievances for refusal to honor seniority “in all aspects of the business” or whatever the hell that verbiage is. So here, if you’re a cover and want to swap with a lower seniority cover, if you stick to your guns, there’s nothing they can do, other than get mad



Well-Known Member
I’m not looking to bump a bid driver, just other cover drivers without bid routes as well. I don’t mind if I can bump anyone lower then me or the lowest person. I just want to know if contractually i’m able to do so in the Central. We have navigation for God’s sake, the routes aren’t that hard to learn, but like others said the sups try to claim area knowledge, or the other driver can’t drive stick, or some other BS excuse. I have no problem standing up for myself, I just need to know I have a leg to stand on when i say i’m bumping person “x”, and if not I’ll file. What am I filing on?


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
I’m not looking to bump a bid driver, just other cover drivers without bid routes as well. I don’t mind if I can bump anyone lower then me or the lowest person. I just want to know if contractually i’m able to do so in the Central. We have navigation for God’s sake, the routes aren’t that hard to learn, but like others said the sups try to claim area knowledge, or the other driver can’t drive stick, or some other BS excuse. I have no problem standing up for myself, I just need to know I have a leg to stand on when i say i’m bumping person “x”, and if not I’ll file. What am I filing on?
Rip the diad out of the drivers hand and tell them tough :censored2:!


Your first day on a route, how can they expect you to succeed?
Last winter I got a warning letter for late air on my first day covering a heavy industrial run. Warned them in person with witnesses and via a message before leaving that I was in danger of having late air. Supe told me to run straight air Goes out in a bulk van, 200 piece RDL ground stop buried all the air (in RDC) as soon as I took my first turn. Hadn't scanned a piece of ground and followed the air trace. Got my scan off at the last stop at 1031 (16 pieces air ... had ~20 late in total since I abandoned finding several in a bid to get to my last air stop).

After winning a bid, my supe asked me to give up my route to cover this industrial run a few times. :lol: "Can you do me a big favor and cover ...?" "Am I hearing you correctly? You want to give up my route to cover B-----'s, the same route you guys wrote me up for late air the first time I covered it? And you thought there was a snowball's chance in hell I'd agree?" He hasn't asked since last summer.


Well-Known Member
Sort of contrary to this bid drivers can be bumped off routes that are not theirs, seniority doesn’t matter. When I was a cover driver I knew how to run almost every route. Then I won a bid for my own route. Once in a while I’ll be asked to do a route that no one else knows (always a heavy commercial route) and I’ll do it just to take a break from my own. I got bumped back on to my route once by a driver with less than a year seniority, said he just wanted to learn the route. Okay have fun.


Well-Known Member
I’m not looking to bump a bid driver, just other cover drivers without bid routes as well. I don’t mind if I can bump anyone lower then me or the lowest person. I just want to know if contractually i’m able to do so in the Central. We have navigation for God’s sake, the routes aren’t that hard to learn, but like others said the sups try to claim area knowledge, or the other driver can’t drive stick, or some other BS excuse. I have no problem standing up for myself, I just need to know I have a leg to stand on when i say i’m bumping person “x”, and if not I’ll file. What am I filing on?
I'm not in the central but this language seems to say you can not bump.
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