How's the view???........

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I love simple images like this.
Small but definite primary subject in a field of windblown grasses.
The diagonal of the horizon inputs energy along with the blooming storm cloud.
The primary of colors of yellow in the grass and blue in the sky are very pleasing.
All in all, a strong image and a good eye to recognize the dynamics and composition of the image.

I took this one from further back.


Nine Lives
View attachment 123900

I took this one from further back.
This is a good example of taking pictures from different perspectives which is called "working the subject".
An artist painter will start out with a blank canvas and does not paint anything into the image that does not add meaning or impact to the image.
Photographers have to move left, right, back, forward, higher and lower to eliminate distractions.
The telephone lines distract as well as the front fence.
I like the gate because it lets the viewer progress into the image.
I like both but the closer up image has more impact and less distraction from the subject of the image.
Another rule of photography is get closer until the subject is primary in the image and then take another step closer. I use a telephoto lens to do this with humans and other animals since we are uncomfortable with a camera stuck in our face.


Staff member
This is a good example of taking pictures from different perspectives which is called "working the subject".
An artist painter will start out with a blank canvas and does not paint anything into the image that does not add meaning or impact to the image.
Photographers have to move left, right, back, forward, higher and lower to eliminate distractions.
The telephone lines distract as well as the front fence.
I like the gate because it lets the viewer progress into the image.
I like both but the closer up image has more impact and less distraction from the subject of the image.
Another rule of photography is get closer until the subject is primary in the image and then take another step closer. I use a telephoto lens to do this with humans and other animals since we are uncomfortable with a camera stuck in our face.
I been calling it my "brute force" approach, nice to know there's an actual technical term for it :). Honestly though digital has made it so easy to shoot hundreds of pics and then comb through them to find the one or two that really stand out that I sometimes wonder if it hasn't just replaced talent with luck.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Because he is Black?
It helps to identify the subject.

You head of the PC committee on BC? --- I never would have picked you as a PC wuss.
You never answered my question.
I asked what the persons color had to do with them getting a religious or medical exemption for having a beard at work.
I am not a PC wuss.