I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


I get my info where things actually happen. Much different than the fantasy you talk about.
yea where is that btw

i get my info from people who reference one another. before i was political it started out with rage against the machine, the matrix, and michael moore. btw when michael moore advocated for democratic worker control in his movie, i didnt have a throw up reaction to it the way you do. its common sense.

michael moore put ralph nader at the end of a rage against the machine video. michael moore refered to chris hedges. someone mentioned richard wolff in the first cspan chris hedges video i watched. and eventually chris hedges and richard wolff interviewed each other many times. and so on.


Well-Known Member
ok but you work all the time. thats not middle class either.

guys where im from work all the time and still cant afford property, renting or buying.
Have had about 8+ weeks off this year. My parents worked Much more than I ever have. From the 1960s til 1987.


Well-Known Member
Uh, that's kind of a high DTI man, you're sort of proving his point.
It’s my only debt that doesn’t fully pay for itself. If you take off the income it produces, it’s about half that. I also get income on a side business that I couldn’t do living elsewhere.

Back on topic: 30% DTI is far from over 50%.


Well-Known Member
Well I did say "sort of".
I'm just saying if I was spending a third of my income on housing I'd be thinking about moving. Sad thing is a lot of people spend a good bit more than that. Which is kind of his point, with exaggerated numbers.
Banks often sell mortgages with a 40% DTI ratio.

Why should I move? I live in a resort like community. Have a $2200 mortgage that produces 1100-1600 a month. And because of the location, I am able to get additional income off other assets.

My point is, all his numbers are always exaggerated.


Banks often sell mortgages with a 40% DTI ratio.

Why should I move? I live in a resort like community. Have a $2200 mortgage that produces 1100-1600 a month. And because of the location, I am able to get additional income off other assets.

My point is, all his numbers are always exaggerated.
no theyre not.

you think the economy is great. so you get very different information than me. so my numbers are going to look that way. there are 2 cities with insane house prices in canada.


alot of good paying jobs in america were manufacturing. like the economy was based on it. those jobs were outsourced for profits first and foremost. the consumer probably got a bit of a discount on costs.

the american economy is now based on finance. the american economy switched from production to consumption mid 1970s. consumer spending is now based on debt traps. the compensated for wage stagnation which began same time.


the financial sector destroyed the economy in 2008. next time they destroy the economy, we may not escape fascism so easily as we did back then.

at work the other day i asked one of my coworkers if he wanted to do work or not. he said im paid by the hour and continued to look at his phone. capitalism has workers pretending to work. we had people pretending to work on my railway job as well. ive pretended to work at other jobs. ive been buzzed on the job at restaraunt. my friend was drunk.


Well-Known Member
no theyre not.

you think the economy is great. so you get very different information than me. so my numbers are going to look that way. there are 2 cities with insane house prices in canada.
I can easily get a 40% DTI loan on my residence.

I think the economy is good because I am talking to businesses and their employees. Seeing that they need workers, and paying higher wages than co ops. Housing is in high demand, I can’t hire a contractor right now. I can’t get a surveyor, I can’t get an inspector. I was even outbid on an empty lot down the street last week.

So basically my information is coming from my experience. Those 2 cities don’t represent your whole country or the whole US.


Inordinately Right
I think the economy is good because I am talking to businesses and their employees. Seeing that they need workers, and paying higher wages than co ops. Housing is in high demand, I can’t hire a contractor right now. I can’t get a surveyor, I can’t get an inspector. I was even outbid on an empty lot down the street last week.
Tell it to all the Republicans complaining about how "illegals" tuk dur jobs.


Well-Known Member
Right? Banks want to give me way more money than I want all the time. They approved me for a couple hundred grand more than I wanted for my mortgage. They want to give me triple what I want for equipment financing. Banks don’t care if they screw you.
Don’t rely on a bank to tell you what you can afford. That is your responsibility.