I no longer enjoy working for ups.


I'm a star


I love my job. Don't you?
22.4 misery, low pay , extra work , runner-gunner.
I just can't breathe when its time to go to work.

From what I see in my center they will run you into the ground and get whatever they can out of you. Watched a 22.4 get back last week just to be grabbed before he can clock out and told to get another truck you got 2 more pickups. It is crappy what they do to you guys and I feel for you but keep on going. All you're waiting for is people to retire or die. (That line was told to me when I interviewed for the post office years ago when I asked how long it took to become permanent lol)

I saw a couple other people say it and its great advice.....SLOW DOWN!!!! Smell the roses and don't kill yourself. That is what the company wants. They want you to burn yourself up 2 years into it and quit so they get cheap labor rinse and repeat. This is why the 22.4 was created.