Idiot pushes record.Idiot unemployed

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Look, if you want to be a conservative then be a TRUE conservative and quit expecting Democrat sponsored social programs to come in and economically backstop you when you lack the levels of personal wealth required in order to meet the personal mandates true conservatism requires of you.
OK, then give me the option to opt out of paying for them. No? Then screw that, I'll do anything that's legal in order to maximize the return on my investment in these programs. I'm playing by the rules that your side wrote.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
If you plan to use it then you're not a TRUE conservative. Why would any true conservative not reject Medicare and any other evil socialized program when it obviously conflicts with their personal political views?

If you want to be a conservative that's fine but be a true conservative. Lead by example. Live according to your own creed.
Not this thing "oh, I'm a conservative . I expect to be perceived as a conservative but I still need Democrat sponsored social programs to assist me me going forward because I was never able to accumulate enough personal wealth over the course of my lifetime to enable me to live in accordance with my own creed"..... And you want people to take you and your views seriously?
I paid into Medicare for over 45 years, why shouldn't I use it? The same with Social Security. If I could have opted out of SS like some professions can, I would have. I am gonna draw every government $ I can when the time comes. Many people live on government assistance their entire life, I am gonna get what I can when I become age eligible.


Well-Known Member
But will you enroll in Medicare when you are eligible? You don't have to enroll if it is in conflict with your personal political ideology.
And it you chose not to enroll what means will you use to pay your future medical bills? Today, even basic elective surgery can easily run into 6 figure bills.
So you think conservatives should bankroll it but not participate in it?


Well-Known Member
If you plan to use it then you're not a TRUE conservative. Why would any true conservative not reject Medicare and any other evil socialized program when it obviously conflicts with their personal political views?

If you want to be a conservative that's fine but be a true conservative. Lead by example. Live according to your own creed.
Not this thing "oh, I'm a conservative . I expect to be perceived as a conservative but I still need Democrat sponsored social programs to assist me me going forward because I was never able to accumulate enough personal wealth over the course of my lifetime to enable me to live in accordance with my own creed"..... And you want people to take you and your views seriously?
Because we are being forced to pay into it. If the government would allow me to not pay into social security and Medicare and do what I want with my money, I would gladly not take it when I retired.


Just telling it like it is
That's what makes it funny how much it bothers you.You fall into the trap everytime why do you give a rats ass about his posts
So why do you even care? Amazing how you’re always right there every time Falcon back posts. Too bad he/you can’t fight his own battles.


Well-Known Member
It still amazes me how working people are beat down by the Republican Party and the party points their finger at them and says you no good dog, you’re not worthy, and those same people say yes sir and keep voting for them. I think it’s like battered spouse syndrome. The Republican Party says you don’t deserve health care or education or a retirement cause you’re not worthy, but Freak yeah 2nd amendment! We will work you to death but you can own all the guns you want! And the average repub is like ‘Merica!


Well-Known Member
It still amazes me how working people are beat down by the Republican Party and the party points their finger at them and says you no good dog, you’re not worthy, and those same people say yes sir and keep voting for them. I think it’s like battered spouse syndrome. The Republican Party says you don’t deserve health care or education or a retirement cause you’re not worthy, but Freak yeah 2nd amendment! We will work you to death but you can own all the guns you want! And the average repub is like ‘
Talk bout being brain washed! It’s been a long, long time since the demonic party has cared bout the working man! Is it good to be flooding “merica” with cheap labor? Is it good for all them illegals raping a system they haven’t paid a dime into? I know you think free everything is the answer, who’s gonna pay for it? Please explain. Crickets


Well-Known Member
Where did I cherry pick? You act like Republicans get special deals. Of course I support the programs that benefit everyone, within reason. But we have a bloated government now with deficit spending. Not sustainable. It's all theory to you but you don't seem to get it will cause an awful lot of pain for everyone when it collapses.
Then just what do you propose as a means to correct a condition you say is unsustainable?