If TA gets passed, keep an eye out on your tax bracket.


Well-Known Member
So am I suppose to cry that I make 100k a year. I'd rather have this problem than not.

If it was just about making more money, then no, you shouldn't cry.

Its about giving up better benefits for a lot of us. Its about part timers getting screwed once again. Its about brothers that are retired getting shafted. Its about our pensions that are still struggling.

I am proud that I am not looking at just a dollar figure. This is what UPS wants, and this is what the union wants. Remember, the dues are paid at a multiple of our hourly rate. They will sell us all out as long as the dues go up. As long as they can add X amount of full time jobs to increase their union dues income. The 20k full time jobs they want to add equates to 8.4 million a year EXTRA in union dues payable to the union.

Don't let the dollar signs you see get in the way of seeing how true wealth is built.

The only plus I hear you guys spewing about this contract is the hourly rate. All the NO voters are spewing many reasons why this should be voted down.