Im done for...


Well-Known Member
Well not really done for (I hope) but I think I screwed up more today then an entire year at UPS. So lemme ask you ppl, what do you think theyll do to me tomorrow morning.

-2 late airs
-2 ppl had to come out to help me (1 was an onroad sup)
-1 compelety missed business pick up (with airs)
-20 missed packages that I couldnt find cause the load was %$!#
and once I found then they were closed anyway

Granted I was on a bulk route in one of those big nastie trucks with no shelves and ran the route cold. And its peak.

And not that it matters but I feel like crap from a cold.
Ahh well feels better to vent anyhow. Looking forward to my verbal thrashing tomorrow.

Dirty Savage

Paranoid Android
Well not really done for (I hope) but I think I screwed up more today then an entire year at UPS. So lemme ask you ppl, what do you think theyll do to me tomorrow morning.

-2 late airs
-2 ppl had to come out to help me (1 was an onroad sup)
-1 compelety missed business pick up (with airs)
-20 missed packages that I couldnt find cause the load was %$!#
and once I found then they were closed anyway

Granted I was on a bulk route in one of those big nastie trucks with no shelves and ran the route cold. And its peak.

And not that it matters but I feel like crap from a cold.
Ahh well feels better to vent anyhow. Looking forward to my verbal thrashing tomorrow.

Most of that stuff is minor, but I'm pretty sure they are gonna rip you a new one for missing that pick-up. OH well, these things happen. You'll still have a job so don't worry about it. Just say sorry a couple of times, admit your mistake and move on.


Well-Known Member
Were they stuck for someone to do that route? Did you volunteer to do it in the blind? I agree with Dirty Savage, the big one is the missed pickup. But if you helped them out by volunteering for that route, that should count for something. Mistakes do happen.

Take care of yourself.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Most of that stuff is minor, but I'm pretty sure they are gonna rip you a new one for missing that pick-up. OH well, these things happen. You'll still have a job so don't worry about it. Just say sorry a couple of times, admit your mistake and move on.

Dirty savage has it right. Its Peak and you ran a route blind with a bad load? It sounds like they knew it was screwed up when two people are sent out to help you. Look at it as a learning experience, tell them you will do better, and move on.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
nobody got killed so don't sweat it the empire screws up every day and they get promoted. they will be happy you put your ass in that truck today so they didnt have to. most sups i knew would get lost on a cul de sac lol


You smell that?
I had one of those days one time except I missed 4 pickups. When I came in the next morning I went straight to the center manager ready to take my whippin'. He said not to worry about, I should have never been sent out there like that. Man, I miss him.


Well-Known Member
Well not really done for (I hope) but I think I screwed up more today then an entire year at UPS. So lemme ask you ppl, what do you think theyll do to me tomorrow morning.

-2 late airs
-2 ppl had to come out to help me (1 was an onroad sup)
-1 compelety missed business pick up (with airs)
-20 missed packages that I couldnt find cause the load was %$!#
and once I found then they were closed anyway

Granted I was on a bulk route in one of those big nastie trucks with no shelves and ran the route cold. And its peak.

And not that it matters but I feel like crap from a cold.
Ahh well feels better to vent anyhow. Looking forward to my verbal thrashing tomorrow.

I am doing the best I can do, sorry I'll try to do better next time.
if they don't like it, in one ear and out the other, MAKE SURE THERE IS A STEWARD WITH YOU!!! ASK FOR ONE!!!


Well-Known Member
I once left my west coast airs at the shuttle truck then brought the ones destined for the east coast back to the hub at around 8:00PM, all service failures. I thought I grabbed the right tote, but I didn't. They were pissed but there were about 45 other guys they would rather fire before me.

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Well not really done for (I hope) but I think I screwed up more today then an entire year at UPS. So lemme ask you ppl, what do you think theyll do to me tomorrow morning.

-2 late airs
-2 ppl had to come out to help me (1 was an onroad sup)
-1 compelety missed business pick up (with airs)
-20 missed packages that I couldnt find cause the load was %$!#
and once I found then they were closed anyway

Granted I was on a bulk route in one of those big nastie trucks with no shelves and ran the route cold. And its peak.

And not that it matters but I feel like crap from a cold.
Ahh well feels better to vent anyhow. Looking forward to my verbal thrashing tomorrow.
Don't sweat the little stuff. The missed pickup might get you a letter and it might not. They won't have you drawn and quartered.
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Retired 23 years
recommended way -pretend you are in management-act real concerned (to their face anyway) . Not recomended- pretended you are in management once again and as the are trying to talk to you turn around and walk away like they don't exist:happy2:


Well-Known Member
Just say....I did the best I could do...especially considering what I had to work with. Everyone has days like this, and you will certainly see a few more. If you're new to the job, put on your best I'm soo sorry face, and say you are trying as hard as you can. If you been on the job for a while.......Say I'm sorry for the missed pick up.....but for the rest just say 'It is what it is.'

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
We had 2 drivers who proved that you CAN drive an 11 foot high package car under a 9 1/2 foot high railroad overpass and still keep your job.