I'm not hearing much about global warming now days.


I'm a star
@Jones and @BrownArmy

When you're ready to actually discuss the issue let me know.


Retired 22 years
No one has answered my original question. Why isn't anyone talking about global warming in the media now? I haven't heard a thing about it since probably last fall. Is it because it's so FRICKING cold? Its hard to argue that the earth is warming up when 3/4 of the population of the US is freezing.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No one has answered my original question. Why isn't anyone talking about global warming in the media now? I haven't heard a thing about it since probably last fall. Is it because it's so FRICKING cold? Its hard to argue that the earth is warming up when 3/4 of the population of the US is freezing.
It's not hard to argue that at all, but one would have to accept science to be persuaded. At this point climate change deniers are in the same camp as flat-earthers and anti-vaxers, debating them is a waste of time because their position is not based in reality. You aren't hearing much about it because the republicans that control the government have no policy to combat it. We have to hope the market continues to work for a solution. Come on Elon.


Strength through joy
I got a report of snow along Georgia's coast today . What is this deep south freeze going to do to the citrus crop ?


Staff member
Expert consensus is a powerful thing. People know we don’t have the time or capacity to learn about everything, and so we frequently defer to the conclusions of experts. It’s why we visit doctors when we’re ill. The same is true of climate change: most people defer to the expert consensus of climate scientists. Crucially, as we note in our paper:
Public perception of the scientific consensus has been found to be a gateway belief, affecting other climate beliefs and attitudes including policy support.
That’s why those who oppose taking action to curb climate change have engaged in a misinformation campaign to deny the existence of the expert consensus. They’ve been largely successful, as the public badly underestimate the expert consensus, in what we call the “consensus gap.” Only 16% of Americans realize that the consensus is above 90%.https://skepticalscience.com/graphics.php?g=82

The 97% consensus on global warming