I'm supposed to say something good about UPS in Stuart Florida.


The only positive thing that I can say about my employment with UPS is that my check clears through the bank.
I use to be proud to be brown, no longer can I say that.


Retired 23 years
So do mine... even the ones where my take home is $0...got several of those this year. I worked but not enough to clear child support, taxes, union dues, and United Way.

cancel United Way! Sounds like you need it just as much as anybody
Who cares if they are monitoring it or if someone snitches. What are they gonna do fire you for bad mouthing their incompitence on the internet?

Oh I almost forgot the good part, umm...

I get six weeks vacation!!!!
If you've been at UPS long enough to have 6 weeks vaca, you know better. They can well make Stug's working life a living hell without provocation or justification.

Now for something good about UPS in Stuart Florida, Stug works there.


Staff member
Stug, what does the union say about UPS monitoring what you do off the clock? I think you should grieve it, it has to be the pinnacle of over-supervision and harassment.


Well-Known Member
Stug, what does the union say about UPS monitoring what you do off the clock? I think you should grieve it, it has to be the pinnacle of over-supervision and harassment.

I agree but STUG put himself in this position by posting all of those pictures. I wonder how they will react to his thread "I Smell A Thief..."?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
For the life of me I cannot comprehend why the company would choose to "monitor" an Internet forum that is used by (mostly) anonymous employees on their own time.

Sounds like some people in management over there dont have enough to do....

I would not worry about being monitored. It is the two LP guys in the Edison ,NJ video. They are still trying to get a dial tone.
In all seriousness though UPS is like any place else good and bad management. Latley the additutes reflect the state of the economy.Although I did notice that our CEO got a $500K raise this year.From 5.3 million to 5.8. Makes that .35 per hour in Feb look big!
Oh I forgot say something good hmmm ?

I enjoy the people I work with and the people on BC.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Something good? Hmmm...
That's a tough one Steve...
OK, I got it.

"I have never seen my management team fling poo at each other."


Well-Known Member
For me there used to be many good things to say..... Not so much anymore, I will say however that on my side of the pond the general public still see UPS as an great mysterious company and always want to talk to me about what we do and how we do it.

I guess that makes me proud of where i work..... If even just for that minute or two...


No It's not green grocer!
If you've been at UPS long enough to have 6 weeks vaca, you know better. They can well make Stug's working life a living hell without provocation or justification.

Yep, I do but I also know a Gorilla beats its chest to scare off anything around it


Steve does such a good job that his management team actually has time to browse the brown cafe. :happy-very:

Do they have stewards in stuart?...:)