Every radio station I listened to today, says "there must be something wrong, the thermometer outside our studio says 100 degrees, and people are calling in saying theres does too!" Heres a news flash IT WAS.
It was hot, but not the worst, Or else I just quit sweatin........It wasnt as humid I didnt think. Ill take it over the cold any day. You just dump water on yourself and drink, alot. No one seems to care if you look "professional", or even notices, its hot everyone looks crappy. As much as drinking you need to physically cool down your blood, cold rag on neck, etc. I love summer. And I only had a 9.5, a good day.
As outta hours says, it can be deadly, the high heat in Texas in Early June contributed to my brothers death, he never got the water thing. He worked outside, and it was 109-110 for days, earlier than usual.