Jack Burton


The Nim
Oh c'mon, we're all professionals of UPS, at times we should at least act it. Or at least I'd think so. Yeah, people who do not work for UPS probably won't read this thread, but there's a chance someone could get the wrong impression of us...

Oh who am I kidding, I can't keep up this facade. We all love toilet humor at least to some extent.


My Senior Picture
Getting back on topic, with all do respect to Jack Burton and the rest of the union faithful, none of us hold a candle to Sober.
From my vantage point, it's not even close.
Perhaps Cheryl should start a Kiddie version of Brown Cafe for those unable to interact with the adults.

The day I become a crotchety old man know it all who can't have fun and let things roll off my shoulder kind of guy who likes to have fun on a message board with my cyber FRIENDS. Shoot me




I love brown cafe


Staff member
The day I become a crotchety old man know it all who can't have fun and let things roll off my shoulder kind of guy who likes to have fun on a message board with my cyber FRIENDS. Shoot me




I love brown cafe
Has Upstate responded to your friend request yet?


Well-Known Member
Jack Burton is my favorite new brown cafe rising star. It makes me feel good as a steward to know that there are other drivers around the country who get it. Who are the other posters on here in your opinion who get it we are talking UPS SMARTS. Where I work they are far and few between.

You're right about that, nobody wants to stick together, there all cutting deals, then when they get in trouble they come looking for you. It's this new generation