Latest news calls to reject contract...


Will you guy's please put out some info. on the article 3 section 3 (e) about the Maximum Medical Improvement deal which causes a break in seniority and gets you terminated if you reach MMI for an ON job or OFF job injury or illness this needs to be addressed now so all workers can see the problems with this contract proposal.


Well-Known Member
First of all, the only way you are going to pay $10K or more for health insurance is if you have something catastrophic happen. I am covered by a Teamster plan and my out-of-pocket last year was just under $200 and that was only because I chose to upgrade the Rx in my back-up pair of eyeglasses.

Second, I will concede that those of you who will be switching to a union plan will need to become smarter medical consumers. You won't be able to run to the doctor's with the sniffles or run to the pharmacy for a name-brand drug. $100 ER co-pays will make you think twice before seeking emergency care. You will need to learn to love the words "generic drugs", "co-pays" and "deductibles".

I suggest that each of you consider buying supplemental health insurance. This may help offset some of the costs.

The 4 year progression is a precursor to the 5 year and defined two-tiered wage system sure to come in 2018.

Is the contract ideal? No. Is it something that we can live with? Yes.

I appreciate that you tried to give an honest opinion of the good points and bad points. You conclude you opinion with:
"Is the contract ideal? No. Is it something that we can live with? Yes."
I personally don't think we should judge an offer on whether or not we can live with it. We could live with paying double the existing offer, with half the benifits. But why should we? Why would we?

smart girl

Well-Known Member
#1 People hate change. Beyond that, it's now 2013 not 1952. I think this contract gives a great deal of positives for all employees involved. Even the TDU guys in my building support the TA (surprisingly). I can understand people's health care concerns, but there is limited information on the exact plan of the 93 possible that will be implemented. In our local people were ready to kill because we were switching from Blue Cross to United. We heard everything just like is being posted on BC. "Its a crappy plan". "We are getting friend*cked!" Not only is our United plan better than our old Blue Cross, but our local saved $5 million. I'm actually more curious of the people thinking "we got screwed", what a good contract would look like? And do they understand the financial effect on the company? I've addressed numerous times as to why we need and require vague language in a contract. Vague language protects us from a standard without deviation. I can go on and on. I and my other stewards have already implemented a 9.5 structure to address ALL new drivers. YES, ALL full time drivers (regardless of progression) can have relieve in some way.
I don't have that much time to go over every change but, I like the contract. We here a lot of negativity on this site. Complainers gripe. People that like this deal won't go on here and post. It's just like work at UPS. How many customer complaints are in our system vs. customer compliments? Does it mean UPS sucks? Apparently that's not the case based on profitability.

smart girl

Well-Known Member
Stink please. This is not about money it is about what is good for every UPSer new, old and unborn.
It has become a battle everyday for respect at the company.I am 30 yrs a driver and it has bebecome a numbers only mentality. Management has no flexibility to run routes and customer service suffers. In one and I mean no one should
be treated like people are being treated. We have families that need us home. I for instances up at 430 out by 530 at work by 7 out on rd by 715 done most days by 8 or 9 pm. It is out of control with the dispatches and inability to
to remember we. WE are the company not those 10 % stockholders. Jim Casey had a dream and it is now a friggi


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Stink please. This is not about money it is about what is good for every UPSer new, old and unborn.
It has become a battle everyday for respect at the company.I am 30 yrs a driver and it has bebecome a numbers only mentality. Management has no flexibility to run routes and customer service suffers. In one and I mean no one should
be treated like people are being treated. We have families that need us home. I for instances up at 430 out by 530 at work by 7 out on rd by 715 done most days by 8 or 9 pm. It is out of control with the dispatches and inability to
to remember we. WE are the company not those 10 % stockholders. Jim Casey had a dream and it is now a friggi

Your a package car driver that starts at 7am?

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Stink please. This is not about money it is about what is good for every UPSer new, old and unborn.
It has become a battle everyday for respect at the company.I am 30 yrs a driver and it has bebecome a numbers only mentality. Management has no flexibility to run routes and customer service suffers. In one and I mean no one should
be treated like people are being treated. We have families that need us home. I for instances up at 430 out by 530 at work by 7 out on rd by 715 done most days by 8 or 9 pm. It is out of control with the dispatches and inability to
to remember we. WE are the company not those 10 % stockholders. Jim Casey had a dream and it is now a friggi

Your a package car driver that starts at 7am?

Really!? At 7. What state are you in? We start at 9. Done around 6 30. Most nights. Wish we could start at 7


Well-Known Member
You also work 1.5 hours away? Something is fishy about smartgirl's posts. It doesn't add up. It seems she makes about 120k a year. She leaves her house at 530am and gets home at 930 or 1030? Problem isn't UPS, it's your allocation of time.


Well-Known Member
Everyone On That bargainIng committee me too really consider what good for all members not just the Central States if I had the power to recall all the people on the bargaining committee I would I don't know how many of them are in UPS is pockets because this contract hurt all of us UPS is health plan on the west coast is better than what they have proposed right now the Teamsters needs to be exactly the same or better UPS has made billions in a recession so we can I forward to give us better medical and better retirement and they are offering


New Member
It's not all about the smaller raises or the fact that UPS has always given 60% of its profits to its workforce up to the previous contract that is, now that % is being lowered again, and its not even all about our healthcare that "won't cost us anything from our paychecks" except larger co-pays and deductibles and new non-covered are all forgetting the freight contract and how that will affect us. The new line haul jobs at freight are designed to take loads from ups hubs when needed or as dedicated runs for ups freight drivers. Ups is making a move to stop using the rails as it will speed up transit times is some cases and eliminate down time for freight drivers that have no run back home, also it will eliminate dry loads being hauled and paying a driver to run empty, also the railroad would rather run more crude oil from ND than our loads up here in the central religion at least. The freight contract will being the transfer of ups feeders jobs and sleeper team jobs to ups freight and then you can forget ever becoming full-time if your a part-trimmer and if your a package car driver i hope you like your route because you will be stuck or bumped in the near future, and if any of you who are currently not a feeder you may as well stop hoping and praying that you will get your chance because if this contract passes you will never see the inside of a ups semi. Oh and back to the raises for one sec, it is 10 cents lower than the last contract and still only a 2.2% raise when the average is 3% to 4%,hell if gas jumps another 30 cents you kiss your raise goodbye! Vote no, vote hell no!


Livin the cardboard dream
We have a few drivers that start super early. They usually run to the airport to pick up air for one of the extended centers and take their ground and air to them. Also, we have a few accts whose ass we kiss (William Sonoma and Pottery Barn) and they load up the Hershey's (cage trucks) and deliver them before 8. They exist.


Well-Known Member
Teamsters have had enough! If UPS wants out of healthcare make some serious raise offers and add a catch up raise for part timers. That might get supplements to pass! Raises like $1.10, $1.10, $1.10, $1.20, $1.20 no split raisees, and add $1.00 "catch up raise for part timers"


Well-Known Member
It's not all about the smaller raises or the fact that UPS has always given 60% of its profits to its workforce up to the previous contract that is, now that % is being lowered again, and its not even all about our healthcare that "won't cost us anything from our paychecks" except larger co-pays and deductibles and new non-covered are all forgetting the freight contract and how that will affect us. The new line haul jobs at freight are designed to take loads from ups hubs when needed or as dedicated runs for ups freight drivers. Ups is making a move to stop using the rails as it will speed up transit times is some cases and eliminate down time for freight drivers that have no run back home, also it will eliminate dry loads being hauled and paying a driver to run empty, also the railroad would rather run more crude oil from ND than our loads up here in the central religion at least. The freight contract will being the transfer of ups feeders jobs and sleeper team jobs to ups freight and then you can forget ever becoming full-time if your a part-trimmer and if your a package car driver i hope you like your route because you will be stuck or bumped in the near future, and if any of you who are currently not a feeder you may as well stop hoping and praying that you will get your chance because if this contract passes you will never see the inside of a ups semi. Oh and back to the raises for one sec, it is 10 cents lower than the last contract and still only a 2.2% raise when the average is 3% to 4%,hell if gas jumps another 30 cents you kiss your raise goodbye! Vote no, vote hell no!
So at 5:37AM on June 25th you decide to voice your opinion? You're many days and $3.90 short. Don't worry, UPS Frt rejected the offer. Apparently they didn't want all that Feeder work.
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Well-Known Member
The Central Region Supplement has now been officially rejected, after the Local 89 votes were counted Monday. Local 135, in Indianapolis is still to be counted, but those will also be a majority No vote.



National Yes Votes - 483
National No Votes - 3388
Supplement Yes Votes - 465
Supplement No Votes - 3594
Rider Yes Votes - 441
Rider No Votes - 3520

TOTAL PARTICIPATION - 4059 out of 8800 (approximately) for a total of 46.13% of Local 89 air district!


National - 87.52% NO
Supplement - 88.54% NO
Rider - 88.87% NO


National Yes Votes - 126
National No Votes - 768
Supplement Yes Votes - 111
Supplement No Votes - 787

TOTAL PARTICIPATION - 894 out of 1900 (approximately) for a total of 47.05% of Local 89 air district!


National - 85.9% NO
Supplement - 87.64% NO

The Central Region Supplement 8,116 YES and 10,861 NO, for a difference of 2,745.

The national is now 33,993 YES and 29,579 NO, for a difference of 4,414.

So before Local 135 is counted, YES leads with 53.47% of the votes. That percentage will drop a little after 135's votes are counted.

Imagine what could have happened had a few officers besides Fred Z, Tim S, and a few others, had the balls to do what is in the members' best interests, instead of what is in Hoffa's best interest.

The National TA might have even been voted down if every eligible UPS Teamster had gotten their ballot, and gotten it in time to mail it back to Maryland in time to be accepted. There were at least hundreds, if not thousands of UPS Teamsters who either never got a set of ballots, or who got them too late.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Central Region Supplement has now been officially rejected, after the Local 89 votes were counted Monday. Local 135, in Indianapolis is still to be counted, but those will also be a majority No vote.



National Yes Votes - 483
National No Votes - 3388
Supplement Yes Votes - 465
Supplement No Votes - 3594
Rider Yes Votes - 441
Rider No Votes - 3520

TOTAL PARTICIPATION - 4059 out of 8800 (approximately) for a total of 46.13% of Local 89 air district!


National - 87.52% NO
Supplement - 88.54% NO
Rider - 88.87% NO


National Yes Votes - 126
National No Votes - 768
Supplement Yes Votes - 111
Supplement No Votes - 787

TOTAL PARTICIPATION - 894 out of 1900 (approximately) for a total of 47.05% of Local 89 air district!


National - 85.9% NO
Supplement - 87.64% NO

The Central Region Supplement 8,116 YES and 10,861 NO, for a difference of 2,745.

The national is now 33,993 YES and 29,579 NO, for a difference of 4,414.

So before Local 135 is counted, YES leads with 53.47% of the votes. That percentage will drop a little after 135's votes are counted.

Imagine what could have happened had a few officers besides Fred Z, Tim S, and a few others, had the balls to do what is in the members' best interests, instead of what is in Hoffa's best interest.

The National TA might have even been voted down if every eligible UPS Teamster had gotten their ballot, and gotten it in time to mail it back to Maryland in time to be accepted. There were at least hundreds, if not thousands of UPS Teamsters who either never got a set of ballots, or who got them too late.

What is truly sad for the NO vote sectors, is the fact that the WEST, who is affected the MOST by this contract, still had 4300 knuckleheads willing to vote YES on this contract. Had they voted with the majority in the west, the NO votes would have shut down this T.A.

I, for one, dont have the first clue as to why they would vote to HURT themselves. Its simply shocking that they could vote this way with full knowledge of what was at stake.

The current gap is 4452.

in our local alone, over 5000 members DID NOT return a ballot in a local that rejected the contract by an 80% margin. Had those ballots been returned, this TA would have been shut down.

I predicted a 52% approval vs 48% rejection giving a 4% unclear margin either way because of the uncertainty of ballots being returned. Once 135 is counted, the T.A. will pass with 52%.

This is still bad news for us overall.

Now, 16 supplementals have to be re negotiated and there isnt enough time to get with the members and hold meetings, then get to D.C. and discuss with the IBT to formulate a new proposal to the company, then discuss it with them, then return to inform us, then send out new ballots and have them returned by July 31st.

Stay tuned, this will get ugly at this point.




Well-Known Member
Looks like anything and everything is still a possibility. Including a Strike and/or Lockout by the company. Only thing for sure, they'll never get it settled by July 31, customers may start to leave.


Well-Known Member
No, TOS and Derf. It is a long time standing procedure, that if negotiations and/or vote counting is still continuing as of the expiration date of the current contract, that what the parties do is to agree to extend the current contract for some time, usually a few weeks or months. There still could be some strikes, but that wouldn't be for many months from now, if it even happened, which is unlikely.