Liberal / Conservative


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself



Now you know what a MINORITY feels like. The uninformed voters and the freebies or --takers --swept Obama in office----Hard working American's knew that Romney knew how to handle and make money ----It was always clear that Obama knows how to take and spend your money.
The mythology within the rhetoric and talking points is that people such as Mitt Romney have ventured to improve society as a whole, aiding to provide mobility for working class Americans.

After all, he's a "job producer"

Romney and Bain Capital were taking money and fruits of labor from "mostly" 18-25 year old, hard working young Americans, for decades. He took part in providing very little, to nothing good for society. His M.O. for corporate success is providing minimum-wage jobs with no benefits and the usual union-busting tactics to keep workers down. (see Dunkin Donuts, for ex.) A large, profitable corporation which shares very little, if not the bare minimum, with the ones actually doing the work.

That doesn't include the numerous once-successful companies which he manufactured the demise of, in the name of Wall St. greed and profits.

How many hard-working Americans are on welfare rolls/assistance? These are the Americans you feel should be voting R, supporting the Fred Smiths? The Romneys? Ignorance.

Obviously, the Democratic Party is vile. But let's not lose sight of the fact that the Republicans are equally vile.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Look at all the jobs the Community organizer has produced ----turned a huge number of full time jobs --to part time ---doubled the amount of jobs !! Nice.


Nine Lives
The mythology ...

Obviously, the Democratic Party is vile. But let's not lose sight of the fact that the Republicans are equally vile.

I remember back in the mid-90's expressing in a group of UPSers that the primary difference between Democrats and Republicans is that the Dems waste money subsidizing poor people while Pubs waste money subsidizing Corporations. I have not seen anything in the intervening 20 years to change that observation.

My pragmatic side says that trickle down works badly but a helluva lot better than trickle up.
All choices are by design, poor ones.


If you are gonna put almost all of the spending that has occurred during Obama on bush's tab, then I guess we should up hall of the debt to the first president. Even your chart shows a growth from what bush had established. You think that is good? Bush was so bad, but yet you are happy with even worst? You must be very confused. ;)


Using your chart. Look at all the growth in spending combined. It should tell you why we need a change in direction. 42.9% growth??? That's using your chart which is not a complete analysis of spending anyway, but to say the least, it shows you are ok with growth in spending.