Load retainers...we are screwed. Final report....

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
To all,

Thanks for your input.......

1) Anti-union? Hardly....I'm looking for SUPPORT from them. Especially since I've paid for such for 40 years....the "Union" is purely "reactive"....just always behind the curve....while employees cool their heels on termination.

2) Fearmongering? Hardly....by definition these events are quite real and happening right NOW. Going on now.....

3) Now, sure you can "request a strap"....and even refuse to take it. But what is being missed here.....is who makes that determination? If it has been determined straps are subjective/optional......when you cause a load to be missed.....in the end...who is going to defend you? Again a reactive Union......comes into play AFTER you are fired. See? I'd like to see a determination OFFICIALLY as in writing.

4) Know the rules? What are they.....exactly? Example: If you have to stop and pee/poop 3 times in a 4:45 leg.....what are your "rights" exactly? Female? What about that? Again we have/had these scenarios....leading to termination(see above)....not me....

5) What is really happening? The vast majority of feeder drivers in this District simply try to open trailer doors to check 3 pkgs, obtain paperwork/seals etc. If-none of this possible......they simply shut the door and obtain alternative paperwork/seals and depart. You say so what?......well...shifted loads?......I know a driver charged with an accident after rolling a 53 ft. on a curve BELOW speed limit, observerd by a cop.......this driver had PREVIOUSLY complained(to no avail) to Mgt. about this regular pickup stop not being load retained. So, what about all those roll-overs with sets/longs etc.? And you cowboys that think you can truly do whatever you want.....it is not so. And "feeling" or "I thought" ultimately is not absolute. Lot's of pick-up loads are palletized/shrink wrapped and loaded as they are.....with shifting possible front to back, side to side.....no? see above. Now, just refuse to pull it.....especially in front of the customer....no?

And you guys just say...."not my problem".....see above. Again, relying on the Union to back you.......really? And back to the shrink wrapped pallets? Say the Company comes back and says "they were retained..." Now what? See? This thing is way to nebulous/subjective.

6) A solution? Every load must be retained with a retaining device and these need to be defined in writing. With the Union leading the way....saying we back you. A definition(by DOT) as applied to our operations must be determined. Again, not a devining as interpreted by UPS.

7) Know your rights.....what are they? Exactly now.

8) I talk with fellow drivers about this subject.....most(not all) are at least indifferent. Most just say...."If they don't care...I don't care".
Consequences/possibilities? Shrug.

9) Safety? During my communications with Mgt./drivers/loaders.....never really enters the conversation.

10) In aviation, every accident/event(called different things) has an investigation and determination of a chain of events and recommendations for a safer outcome. DOJ can add criminal penalties also. Our accidents are investigated in a similar manner...sort of...with a punitive measure added. You know- disciplinary action. This discipline can be used at the discretion of the Company. Yes, the Union can be used as representation. The outcome is at most....uncertain. There are no absolutes.

And as usual....I am personally attacked. Why? Not really sure. So odd. If anything at the very least....I am an advocate for the employee. Why I am belittled for this.....is not clear to me. A general sorriness of my detractors is all I can determine. Nothing else makes logical sense.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
If you have to stop to pee/poop 3 times in a 4:45 leg, you have bigger problems than not having a load retainer.
You've stumbled on a pretty good question.

BCer's claim you have every right to stop when you need to do such.... legally and on the clock.

Ok. But do you? How do you define "a bigger problem"? The Company? Does the Union support you? DOT?

But then...aren't part timers only given 10 minutes in a 3-5 hour shift? Used to be that way. And so, you are expected to go only during your 10 minutes? And as a feeder/pkg driver driver between the 3rd and 5th hour? Or according to your schedule?

A lot of declarative statements are made on BC. Are they in fact true? Or highly subjective?


Lunch is the best part of the day
Have something useful or relevant to add?

Say, bored with the subject? Try moving along....just don't click on it. Pretty simple like you.

I do hope(for your sake).....you/your life is not touched by this reality.
You can chose to follow dot rules and regulations no matter what your supervisor tells you

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
And anyone who tells you he got fired for going to the bathroom during his shift isn't telling you the whole story.
I agree.

Analogy......there is an old BSA motorcycle story about when asked why their motorcycle didn't finish a big race: "We lost electrical power...." What they didn't mention was that the piston connecting rod blowing through the engine cases took out the generator...

Closer to what we do...."I got fired for a rollover..." Not mentioning avoiding a wrong way drunk driver/cow in the road/homeless person etc.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
You can chose to follow dot rules and regulations no matter what your supervisor tells you
Ok. Fair enough.

Now, if you have been following along....there seems to be some interpretation(by the Company) as to what those rules and regulations mean and how they apply to our operations.

And, when you are standing there refusing to pull a load and you cause 1000 service failures......Union got your back? DOT?

In the end.....do you believe/know you will have the last say? Absolutely? Each and every time?

See, just about every one of my loads do not have a load retainer......twice a day. Every day. 5 days a week.

Again, this can all be settled by applying a load retainer to every load. Period. End of interpretation, divining or subjectivity.

DOT makes a ruling and we follow it to the letter. Union agrees/holds UPS accountable.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
As a 40 year employee, Circle of Honor driver(30 years)(I'm even belittled for this), never lost time injury in 40 years......

I would hope a frank discussion without such hatred could occur.

If people don’t like you, they will not take anything you have to say seriously even if what you are saying is the truth.

I can’t speak for everyone here, but the reason I ignore most of your crap is because you are an insufferable know-it-all. Frank enough for you?

If one person treats you like crap, they are a sorry person but when a large group of people, ie this forum, treats you like crap then maybe. MAYBE. You’re the problem?

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
If people don’t like you, they will not take anything you have to say seriously even if what you are saying is the truth.

I can’t speak for everyone here, but the reason I ignore most of your crap is because you are an insufferable know-it-all. Frank enough for you?

If one person treats you like crap, they are a sorry person but when a large group of people, ie this forum, treats you like crap then maybe. MAYBE. You’re the problem?
This sounds like a certain group of people


Lunch is the best part of the day
Ok. Fair enough.

Now, if you have been following along....there seems to be some interpretation(by the Company) as to what those rules and regulations mean and how they apply to our operations.

And, when you are standing there refusing to pull a load and you cause 1000 service failures......Union got your back? DOT?

In the end.....do you believe/know you will have the last say? Absolutely? Each and every time?

See, just about every one of my loads do not have a load retainer......twice a day. Every day. 5 days a week.

Again, this can all be settled by applying a load retainer to every load. Period. End of interpretation, divining or subjectivity.

DOT makes a ruling and we follow it to the letter. Union agrees/holds UPS accountable.
The Department of Transportation has established a hotline for real or potential violations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. To file a safety violation report, please call the toll-free hotline (888)-368-7238 or (888)-DOT-SAFT.

Man up buttercup

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
Have something useful or relevant to add?

Say, bored with the subject? Try moving along....just don't click on it. Pretty simple like you.

I do hope(for your sake).....you/your life is not touched by this reality.
Simple is better. You just wrote a whole novel that says absolutely nothing. I really put in a good faith effort to try and find your point, and although your arguments are all over the place this is what I took away from them:

You want to be safe and follow the law but you’re afraid to push back against management for fear of losing your job, and/or fear of disappointing them by having a late load.

You can do whatever you want to do. Either be safe and demand the load retainers or don’t. Stop talking about it and make a choice because you’re driving everyone crazy here.

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
If people don’t like you, they will not take anything you have to say seriously even if what you are saying is the truth.

I can’t speak for everyone here, but the reason I ignore most of your crap is because you are an insufferable know-it-all. Frank enough for you?
Quad decade guy is an alright guy imo. But what annoys me is that more than one person has given him the answer: you can choose to be safe and follow the law no matter what management says.

And he keeps coming back with the same fear mongering statements, phrased as questions:

Union got your back? DOT?

In the end.....do you believe/know you will have the last say? Absolutely? Each and every time?

Either paint or get off the freaking ladder.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
If people don’t like you, they will not take anything you have to say seriously even if what you are saying is the truth.

I can’t speak for everyone here, but the reason I ignore most of your crap is because you are an insufferable know-it-all. Frank enough for you?

If one person treats you like crap, they are a sorry person but when a large group of people, ie this forum, treats you like crap then maybe. MAYBE. You’re the problem?
And so? Frank enough?

Commentary from a so small cast of the most miserable clowns on Earth....meh.

Never claimed to know it all. That's your construct.

I will say 40 years here sure gives a lot of experience....oddly...That's lost on you.

Pull up a chair....might learn something....


Legio patria nostra
Netusa 3:16 / Quad Decades Guy is an alright guy(s) imo. But what annoys me is that he tries to be more than one person, but every comment he/they make is the same grammar, structure and lengthy BS

And he/they keep coming back with the same fear mongering statements, phrased as questions:
Edits in Bold...


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
And so? Frank enough?

Commentary from a so small cast of the most miserable clowns on Earth....meh.

Never claimed to know it all. That's your construct.

I will say 40 years here sure gives a lot of experience....oddly...That's lost on you.

Pull up a chair....might learn something....