Marjorie Taylor Greene Call for National Divorce


Well-Known Member
The military would support the Constitutional government. Just like they always have. Along with state and local law enforcement.
If there's a civil war it would happen over the government violating the Constitution. Being duly elected only goes as far as obeying the Constitution. If a government tries to insure one party rule and shut out power sharing then you'll see real quick what the military thinks of that government.


Well-Known Member
A liberal and progressive Republican government. I believe a progressive and liberal led government of today would win just the same regardless of party affiliation.
Lincoln's government was liberal and progressive? By what standard are you calling them that? And have you ever read Lincoln's economic views? He's very much in line with today's Republicans.


Well-Known Member
You raise some valid points. How do you see it working? Obviously Red States would no longer pay federal taxes or receive federal assistance. And I’m sure there are many in red states that would be fine with that, at least initially.

But do you think red states could pull it off? Would other countries have anything to do with the state’s outsize the union? Could these states provide security on their own? Would the red states form
A 2nd confederacy or would they be independent of each other as well? I you think Mexico would seize Texas? Could Texas repel such an attempt?

All in all, this theoretical idea tells me more than anything that the US is all about economics. The windfall for the federal government would e massive and I wonder if once “divorced” they wouldn’t really turn on the economic pressure against the red states. Pretty sure North and South Dakota would rethink their allegiances and turn blue before leaving. The sheer logistics keeps them in the fold. Arizona flirts with the idea but decides against it as well.

Anyway, I doubt there would be a civil war. Republicans would have to own all the DC power before they could make such a move because they’d need the military. I don’t see them having that any time soon. Hell, if it looked like it could happen, democrats would simply steal the elections (for real this time). All the claims of “stolen election” would sound like the same nonsense that has come out of MAGAWORLD and most would ignore it as such.🤣
The MAGA's want a so called "divorce" but clearly they don't realize that it would involve a complete loss of federal support and services. When the British pulled out of the colonies they were left on their own and had to start with a blank sheet of parchment . Those states that pull out of the union would have to do the same thing. No constitution, no laws, no money. So what would they end up having to do? Go back to Washington hat in hand and ask for loans and block grants to they can govern themselves until they can get on their feet?


Inordinately Right
I love how "national divorce" means something different to everyone.

Left wingers seem to have delusions/fantasies about a civil war or red states seceding. Very strange.