May 21, 2011 Judgment Day


Ok, let me correct my statement, based upon "your" studies, you want me to understand the bible is "partially" Bulllcrap vs ALL Bullcrap as I stated.

Ok, I get it.

Wow, girlfriend, you sure can talk some smack. Not trying to be offensive, or maybe I am, but I believe the Bible to be the infallible word of God. It will take great faith in God, to understand that statement, and greater faith to pull you from the hole you dug yourself into. Just sayin...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wow, girlfriend, you sure can talk some smack. Not trying to be offensive, or maybe I am, but I believe the Bible to be the infallible word of God. It will take great faith in God, to understand that statement, and greater faith to pull you from the hole you dug yourself into. Just sayin...


I dont live in fear, and I dont live my life fearing a fairy tale from a book full of "conflicts with the laws of nature" and killings, tortures and revenge. Like the majority of the founding fathers , I do not believe in christianity or the divinity of christ.

I believe in creation, just not some space god with designing skills. I am trying to understand what Scratch was selling... He told us some of the bible was untrue and some was full of contradictions... Id like to know which part is bullcrap and which is considered legitimate.

If you throw out a part of the bibles components because its dishonest, then you have to throw it all out.



Well-Known Member

I dont live in fear, and I dont live my life fearing a fairy tale from a book full of "conflicts with the laws of nature" and killings, tortures and revenge. Like the majority of the founding fathers , I do not believe in christianity or the divinity of christ.

I believe in creation, just not some space god with designing skills. I am trying to understand what Scratch was selling... He told us some of the bible was untrue and some was full of contradictions... Id like to know which part is bullcrap and which is considered legitimate.

If you throw out a part of the bibles components because its dishonest, then you have to throw it all out.


I don't think it would matter if you were presented a hand written note from God ( of course, notarized by Obama). You would still believe what you want to; and I'm good with that. What I'm not good with is how you try to come across on here as being so diplomatic and peaceful, and know damn well that no matter what argument you are presented with you will counter with the opposite. If you have no argument you will counter with names like idiots, fools, losers, and the like and then have the audacity to sign "peace" at the end. I believe that you are the type of person who always has to "one up" the next to show a perceived superiority; not that I claim to know anything.

But I do know when I sign PEACE, the peace I'm talking about passes all understanding and is intended totally different than when you use it.



Staff member
I would be far more impressed with religion and religious people (myself included) if we spent half the time we do on practicing "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind and love your neighbor as you love yourself" as we do trying to figure out Revelations and the end of days. Just sayin'....



I dont live in fear, and I dont live my life fearing a fairy tale from a book full of "conflicts with the laws of nature" and killings, tortures and revenge. Like the majority of the founding fathers , I do not believe in christianity or the divinity of christ.

I believe in creation, just not some space god with designing skills. I am trying to understand what Scratch was selling... He told us some of the bible was untrue and some was full of contradictions... Id like to know which part is bullcrap and which is considered legitimate.

If you throw out a part of the bibles components because its dishonest, then you have to throw it all out.

It's funny, but that is a major issue for non-believers. They always talk about fearing and stuff. What is there to fear from God? God IS Love! TOS, my dear, it takes faith, which is obviously something you lack. Your choice to not believe is perfectly okay, not that you need my approval. I'm just saying that you do have a choice, and you have chosen not to believe. I guess this ends the discussion about whether YOU will be saved, (rescued from the way satan has confounded you).


Well-Known Member

I dont live in fear, and I dont live my life fearing a fairy tale from a book full of "conflicts with the laws of nature" and killings, tortures and revenge. Like the majority of the founding fathers , I do not believe in christianity or the divinity of christ.

I believe in creation, just not some space god with designing skills. I am trying to understand what Scratch was selling... He told us some of the bible was untrue and some was full of contradictions... Id like to know which part is bullcrap and which is considered legitimate.

If you throw out a part of the bibles components because its dishonest, then you have to throw it all out.

You believe in creation? What kind of creation? By who/what? and why?
You believe in creation? What kind of creation? By who/what? and why?
Tourist, she's saying that she is a "deist" in belief that there is a god that created the earth, but the bible all contained is a fabrication of mankind.
Just so you know, I answered this in an attempt to so without, name calling or slurs of any kind.


golden ticket member
I think people have the fear because of "judgement day'.....not the Sat afternoon one.....the real one.

I remember a phrase from Catholic school......Knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.
Here is my take on the fear aspect:
The fear of judgement for believers is reflected proportionally in the level of faith one has in their own compliance with God's will. When a person is sure in their mind that they have lived in a manner pleasing to God, they do not fear death or a judgement by God but welcome it. Those that believe in God and the Bible but yet are not self assured do fear the judgement. Those that do not believe only have to worry about what to eat for supper.


Here is my take on the fear aspect:
The fear of judgement for believers is reflected proportionally in the level of faith one has in their own compliance with God's will. When a person is sure in their mind that they have lived in a manner pleasing to God, they do not fear death or a judgement by God but welcome it. Those that believe in God and the Bible but yet are not self assured do fear the judgement. Those that do not believe only have to worry about what to eat for supper.
LOL @ the supper comment.

I agree, sort of. That first fear (non fear), is more than just living in a manner pleasing to God. That, in itself, is an insurmountable task. The only thing that God requires, is believing that He sent His Son to die for you, and after that, you're home free. We're all human, and will make mistakes, little or big ones, but those things aren't the basis for eternal life. If that was the case, i'd be a nervous Nellie, walking on egg shells, for the rest of my life.

Oh, back to the thread..................I'm still here!


golden ticket member
But, what about those that believe and still struggle to decide what to make for supper???

No devils food cake!
Must have donuts...they're holey !
Only angel food cake
Blessed Baked Beans
Saintly Stew
St. Anthony Antipasto
St Bernadette BBQ
St. Blaise Beignets
Christian Crawfish
Protestant Poppers
Baptist Borscht
Lutheran Lasagna
Methodist Meat Loaf


Well-Known Member
I would be far more impressed with religion and religious people (myself included) if we spent half the time we do on practicing "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind and love your neighbor as you love yourself" as we do trying to figure out Revelations and the end of days. Just sayin'....

Great point. If you did, then the day and time of all these events really wouldn't matter.

Tick! Tick! Tick!


Staff member
LOL @ the supper comment.

I agree, sort of. That first fear (non fear), is more than just living in a manner pleasing to God. That, in itself, is an insurmountable task. The only thing that God requires, is believing that He sent His Son to die for you, and after that, you're home free. We're all human, and will make mistakes, little or big ones, but those things aren't the basis for eternal life. If that was the case, i'd be a nervous Nellie, walking on egg shells, for the rest of my life.

Oh, back to the thread..................I'm still here!

I agree, sort of. The bit about being "home free" is a little mis-leading. From personal experience I would say that truly believing compels an individual to strive to do God's will. Failing to do so does not come without consequence. Some have described it as "shutting ourselves out from the sunlight of the Spirit". St Paul had a poignant essay on the confliction of being man aspiring to obey God's will. "I do what I know is wrong, and do not do what I know is right." The knowledge of right and wrong is often insufficient to bending the obstinately strong individual will to do what is God's will. As for myself, I do not fear judgement because I know that my only salvation is by grace alone, but as a believer, I strive to be an instrument of God's will not out of fear, but gratitude for what He has already done.


Well-Known Member
I was just talking with my daughters who are playing a jazz gig tonight and their setlist at 6 pm will have them playing, "Fly Me To The Moon!"

I love it!


I agree, sort of. The bit about being "home free" is a little mis-leading. From personal experience I would say that truly believing compels an individual to strive to do God's will. Failing to do so does not come without consequence. Some have described it as "shutting ourselves out from the sunlight of the Spirit". St Paul had a poignant essay on the confliction of being man aspiring to obey God's will. "I do what I know is wrong, and do not do what I know is right." The knowledge of right and wrong is often insufficient to bending the obstinately strong individual will to do what is God's will. As for myself, I do not fear judgement because I know that my only salvation is by grace alone, but as a believer, I strive to be an instrument of God's will not out of fear, but gratitude for what He has already done.
Misleading, in a way. I was just trying to get the point across, but your point really says it all. Well said!
I was just talking with my daughters who are playing a jazz gig tonight and their setlist at 6 pm will have them playing, "Fly Me To The Moon!"

I love it!
Love it!


I started this.
Staff member



Für Meno :)
All I can say : Suckers !!!!

TODAY - May 21, 2011


'Judgment Day': a $72,000,000 business

The man behind the May 21 prediction runs Family Radio: a group that thrives off donations. Employees don't agree